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  1. Azurie

    sets x reps for weight gain.

    StrongLifts 5×5 Beginner Strength Training Program | Taking 150g of protein won't necessarily make you bigger. Eat more of carbs/ everything so that you have a surplus of calories, and train hard. Probably working lower body with squatz and deadlifts will help you gain mass.
  2. Azurie

    How to get cut?

    Calorie deficient diet, Its not that complicated yo Make sure the diet is balanced yeah. Simple
  3. Azurie

    Weight lifting saftey tips...Plz add

    This thread is full of broscience and ego.
  4. Azurie

    Cabramatta 1980s VS Bankstown/Lakemba etc 1990s-2000

    Lol, there are many worse places than bankstown, and revesby is just a suburb in the city of bankstown, so technically it is, Ofcourse you have your constant packs of dry-fit 13-16 year old lebos, who go to the gym and work out Chest,Arms,And traps and regard any other muscle group than walk...
  5. Azurie

    Drinking age raised to 21?

    You didn't hear about what happened in turkey when they attempted to ban smoking in a cafe? The people at the cafe, shot the owner dead when told to put their cigarette out. Good cover up, I good just be doing this to annoy people on BOS. It clearly seems you lack an education, The hectic...
  6. Azurie

    Drinking age raised to 21?

    uz English is very good, maybe uz can't have fun without smoking the hooker(Argili). The only thing that should be banned in the country is the disgusting hair cuts which arise from uzzzzzz I'm happy it seems like your uneducated and would never be in a position of power so that you can...
  7. Azurie

    too young for love? no time to live?

    Ahhh, I love the reaction
  8. Azurie

    too young for love? no time to live?

    Your only 18, You have plenty of time to go clubbing, Going clubbing every weekend is not living the life. There is plenty of great activities which don't involve clubbing. If your so desperate, go by yourself to a few events ?
  9. Azurie

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    Year 9 Retard, making comments on subjects. Go watch some sponge bob square pants, or Re-read your twlight book. I'm talking about evidence to support a phenomena and how hypothesis are tested
  10. Azurie

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    using a an actual number 1,,460,000,000,000 doesn't make your argument make more valid, I just used it as a crappy example, So you think there is 0% evidence of the existence of God? Sigh, You don't understand the point I was trying to make, your trying to tell me you you've never believed in...
  11. Azurie

    is being an atheist a fashion now?

    Hey man remember me Its all about someone who has some sort of complex, were they think they are more intelligent for being atheist, or upholding any other sort of religious belief, For example, Muslims/Christians/Jews, Questioning each other on who is "True/Right". The problem with any...
  12. Azurie

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    A meaningful relationship, your meant to be able to be independent at times, and unified at others. Just because you can't relate to your significant other doesn't mean that your extraordinary it just means you don't have a strong connection with your partner. And your insecure to open up to...
  13. Azurie

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    it is an estimated hypothesis that the chemical reactions in the sun will keep producing energy for a few x amount of years +, However it is not 100% Known you fucking idiot, The whole point of creating a scientific theory, is trying to have enough evidence to support the unknown. Your...
  14. Azurie

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    Okay, do you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow? It is unknown. Nice point, oblivious idiot.
  15. Azurie

    Do girls like this stuff ...

    Honestly, How can something you do something sexual with a partner that you love and find it degrading? If your so uncomfortable with your sexual partner, maybe its time you found one where you can both explore different things sexually. WTF is this shit, Head is degrading? Only if you cock...
  16. Azurie

    Are there any Christian teenagers out there??

    Part of Religion, is having a faith, believing in the unknown. Science will never have all the answers, scientific theories are not about disproving a phenomena, Its just an amount of evidence used to support a hypothesis, nothing is ever 100% proven, Therefore how can you expect somebody to...
  17. Azurie

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    She doesn't have a right to refuse sex ? LOL at the person arguing with it says He "Can" Hit his wife, but doesn't tell him he "SHOULD" The logic is so stupid, Eye for an Eye, blah blah, To be honest that's why its barbaric, the only thinking is, if he hits me, I hit him harder. ITT ...
  18. Azurie

    Campbelltown Campus

    Pretty quiet, 10 minute walk from MacArthur Station, 12 minute walk from MacArthur square, just like a west fields has a lot of shops + food court, etc etc movies, bowling. Like what Tunafish said, Trolleys scattered around the place :P
  19. Azurie

    Your Race Affects Whether People Write You Back

    Yesterday I was at the pharmacy, and I asked the person at the counter if they had any steroid cream, When asked what I wanted it for, I told them I wanted to put in on more arms so they become more MASSIVE CUZ. WALLAH IT WORKS ASK ALI
  20. Azurie

    Your Race Affects Whether People Write You Back

    How to use your mynah bird cage, The trap is low fuss because it is a simple matter of placing a bowl of dried dog food and a bowl of water in the trap and locating it on the grass after dark in areas where Indian Mynas and Starlings feed during the day. Trap where they feed to succeed. You...