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  1. M

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    If this site is so lame then why are you on it bagging the shit out of everything?
  2. M

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    Your idea of 'really bad music' is not necassarily someone elses.
  3. M

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Yeah well i have my nose and ears done twice but yeah i love guys with tatoos and piercings big time lol. I think that is up to people whether they want it done but its not something people should be judges on. And i plan on getting a tatoo or 2. Somewhere that can be hidden and shown depending.
  4. M

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    lol yeah righto whatever. I hate that show and definately wouldn cry over it... Thats all im saying...
  5. M

    How was your school day?

    My day has been good. The sun is shining, its last period and about to go out becuase its my birthday today. Woo hoo. Lol so today has been good considering i am at school.
  6. M

    Muckup Day/Week: Ideas, Photos Etc

    Re: Muckup day ideas i agree. we arnt allowed to have a muck up day because of them 'knobs' you are talking about. Plus i think doing stuff to animals is just mean and not even funny.
  7. M

    Question: (I'm kinda throwing it out to the girls here) player, do you care?

    Where I live you would know because the place is small and news travels faster than ever around here... so in reality I would know... I dont know why it would matter, it just would. Normally you dont hook up with a guy unless you lke them atleast a little bit, so i would just be upset...
  8. M

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    Whats the go with being a prick? I suppose being a prick to a chick must make you feel better about being a drop kick. cryn over a fukn cartoon tv show is what is NOT acceptable. You reakon ebjade is a reatrd... well just read what you actully wrote. Loser...
  9. M

    HSC performances Core/Electives

    Yeah it is best to do your weaker performance for the core as it is marked easier and not out of as much marks.
  10. M

    Question: (I'm kinda throwing it out to the girls here) player, do you care?

    You would have to watch ouot that you dont fall for the guy and get hurt. But yeah even if you dont want a relationship I would still be pissed if he was with me then a different girl the next day.
  11. M

    HSC performance pieces

    Im singing all mine because as some ppl have said I really cant do viva or compistion. 1. Beautiful- Christina Aguilera 2. Lover Lover- Sonia Dada 3. forgiven Not Forgotton- The Corrs and This Flower- Kasey Chambers. My eman is today and im not nervous yet thank god.
  12. M

    Who here HATES water?

    MMMMM... water is boring but it is essential. It does make you feel good when you drink it but it is kinda boring. But i love how it makes you feel.
  13. M

    Woman makes '145 prank calls to 000'

    All i can say is that that woman must have a very boring and lonely life. lol.I would hardly call her a woman seeing how she is still 19 and acting like she is 9. :)
  14. M

    Sleeping with damp hair

    Its crazy tho hey because they say its bad to go to bed with wet hair but its just as bad blow drying your hair all the time as well. Its a lose lose situation
  15. M

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    you are acting like the 4 yr old saying the wiggles are better. And what the hell is Porcupine?
  16. M

    What was the last CD you bought?

    I just recently brought the Rhianna c.d mainly bcuz the sales lady told me it was good. Most of the songs are good but there are a few dodgy ones. Shut up and drive and rehab and breaking dishes are the best
  17. M

    the used....

    Who the fuk do you think you are saying shit like that wen for one you dont even know the chick and two you are saying stupid shit and stereotyping ppl. Grow up hey.
  18. M

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    I agree and not only did that wanker stereotype you because of your music but she also stereotyped emo's as being faggots. That wank needs to wake up to herself and grow up. What a judgmental cock.
  19. M

    Most ANNOYING things when Driving

    Lol yes we get stereotyped as 'P platers' and that we are all bad drivers but seriously have you seen some ole ppl drive, they still think they riding a horse and cart. lol.