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  1. insomniac90

    96% for first art making assessment

    LOL ME TOO! 100% for both assessments. although only 94% for trials. darn i was bummed.
  2. insomniac90

    Hsc Visual Arts Bow

    For my BOW i did digital photography. Concept: "anti-art" pretty much how i hate making art. the whole process and how there is so much frustration at not getting the desired results, the need for extra patience, anger, anxiety, the never ending aspiration for everything to be absolutely...
  3. insomniac90

    Photography in HSC BOW & more

    LOL NO WAY! the competition is getting stiffer each year. in my grade, photography was the main medium and out of the 6 kids who got 50/50 for their trials 4 of them chose did photography. yes, you can do a series, just try not to be too repetitive. (i lost marks becasue of that) HAHAH...
  4. insomniac90

    what are you going to do with your major work after the hsc?

    Hahaha mines a toughy. the concept is good. but the outcome was really disturbing. i love the work a lot, but i dont think i can display it for the sake of my family members.
  5. insomniac90

    2007 HSC Rankings - EVERY SCHOOL LISTED.

    LOOOOLLL. a) Yes, we're the one of the richest in NSW, but that's only because Parno's a tight ass. b) An influx of asian students doesn't necessarily mean a smarter majority of the student body. Especially this year, we probably have only <20 students of asian background in my year. c)...
  6. insomniac90

    Does your class rank affect your HSC/UAI?

    just wondering.
  7. insomniac90

    Studying for this aural shit

    Looolll. ive started now. man, im so confused - ive had 4 teachers for the past 2 years and theyve all taught differently. i have no idea how to actually set it out.
  8. insomniac90

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    hahah i knew it. cbb to look it up though. thanks for correcting me. =]
  9. insomniac90

    Question Chain Thread !!!

    Monitoring the Haber process is important to create maximum yield as well as for safety. Conditions in reaction vessel are of a compromised temperature of 200C and pressure of 100kPa. According to LeChatelier, the decrease in temperature slows the rate of reaction as the reaction is endothermic...
  10. insomniac90

    My school sucks so much that it won't even have a music class for HSC T_T

    hey its better that this happened then what happened to me. our class only had enough to go ahead, then more and more people dropped out till we only had 9 people left. and those nine didnt really care for music at all. eventually the teachers gave up on them, so, we didnt even have a teacher...
  11. insomniac90

    Curious: L's or P's-class of '08

    LOL talk about procrastination... ive left getting my L's till after the hsc. didnt realize how long i put it off for. this is really sad. most of my friends are on their greens. hahah
  12. insomniac90


    hahahha i have probably just as much to do as you. yay. cant wait till this is over
  13. insomniac90


    im about to LEARN law and society. thank God its an afternoon exam.
  14. insomniac90


    good luck to everyone doing legal studies this afternoon. lets hope its a good one!
  15. insomniac90

    Question about scaling...

    amen to that.
  16. insomniac90

    Graduate of '07 willing to help students of '08

    omg yes!! just what i needed!! *victory dances*
  17. insomniac90

    Issues studieng

    yeah it can be hard. what you can do is know the main points in your focus topics as thats where you'll be getting the most marks. just understand the effectiveness, and its reform. you should be alright.
  18. insomniac90

    How many hours of study are you going to do?

    ahh me too. i just realized how much content there is in business. *dies*
  19. insomniac90

    Completed/Near Completed BOW's

    I've just finished about 1/2 hour ago. =D Sending it off to the printers tomorrow, im not entirely happy with it but its like 1am and im really tired. seems like there are a lot of photographers this year. my work is 3 A1 panels mounted on PVC; cost me $210. pretty cheap.
  20. insomniac90

    sex slaves case study?

    who's studying this now? and can you find a case on it?