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    Doing BBA102,ACCG253,ACCG224,BUSL301

    im doing BBA102 and ACST101 this year, do you happen to be in the W5C.303 tut room for bba on monday 10am? cause thats where im at.
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    Buy and Sell thread

    Re: Buy and Sell thread - Sem 1 and 2 hey there, im interested in econ 203, for somereason i cant pm you, how much are you selling this for? thanks
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    Is it rude for a tutor to call a student gullible and eccentric?

    some tutors are a-holes, just ignore them, theres a high chance you wont have them next semester anyway
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    Who's been mugged before??

    Guys, guys. Why carry a knife that most likely wouldn't hold up as a defence case, when you can use a pen? Personaly i think a pen is all anyone needs for self defence. It is a common thing to have on you and it is also leathal and effective in defending yourself. Its lighter than a knife...
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    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    so what does this mean compared to the old system? after reading the pdf i still dont understand. I also am a first year uni student so i just want to know. Thanks
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    Enrolment Questions- Lets end the confusion.

    hey guys, im having a bit of a confusion here. i've accepted my offer to B Commerce at maq uni. and when i try to enrol through estudent it says this " Sorry, but you do not have any Courses that you can make enrolments for." does this mean i need to attend the talk about our course at the uni...
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    Whos 'not' Asian, doing B Commerce next year?

    I guess ill be seeing you guys, soon at mac uni
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Thanks logjammin for the attach. much appriciated. and dance i think its a corrupted usb. the computer doens't even register it and nothing pops up when i put it in. The same thing happens on my laptop which i only got about half a year ago lol. Mass...
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    2009 Main Round cut-offs

    From what i logically am thinking. Offers are made now and have no (V) symbol next to the course are full at this stage, but what if some people that were offered that course didn't want to do it for some unknown reason, then there would be spots opened up for late round offers. This is what i...
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    2009 Macquarie Uni Offers / General Chatter

    Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers Can you tell us whats onthe usb stick. because mines doesn't even read on the computer and laptop. Most likey i got a corrupted usb.
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    Whos 'not' Asian, doing B Commerce next year?

    im doin B commerce, though im asian born in australia, does that count LMAO
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    Rudd - the Chinese speaking disaster-man

    though it was from Gough Whitlams, micro-economic reforms that has given Australia the 17years of economic growth, all i see from howard was riding the please of Gough's implementations (medicare, low uni fees, fair pay for females) Howard and his 10 year reight brought in no new...
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    HELP! how to overcome financial problems...

    Ok firstly for your ratios, for solvency is is generally accepted as 0.5-0.7:1 to be good as its lowly geared. And for liquidity ration (CA/CL) it is always good if the business has atleast 1.2:1 but if its too high such as 8:1 or 11:1 then it means there are too much assets and most likely in...