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    2007 catholic trial

    well you can't get the paper because u have to buy it off them. I also did the catholic paper and the teacher said that she can't give it to us because of copy write
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    what do u need help with i can't help u if u don't say
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    yr 11 notes plz?

    hello i did prelim last year. I am not sure if you would call that recent. Anyway just tell me what you need and i will try and help you out. ok!
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    Dawn fill, Night fill, after school casual positions...

    hello I work at coles carlingford. I work on the checkouts. When it gets quiet i either clean or i do loose stock.
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    Retail Notes

    i have heaps of note and i got my trial paper back. I got 100%. You want my notes then message me privately please. good luck everyone
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    Contemporary Food Issues: Nutrition Independant Investigation

    hello i am doing nutrition too, i did celiacs and anorexia nervosa. good luck everyone for the hsc
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    Italian Study Day @ Sydney Uni

    waste of time they only teach you the basic sorry no help indeed
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    SC affecting the HCS??

    its a fake don't beleive your teacher
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    market plan? food product development assignment

    tis assingment is sooo hard> we have to design a product to sell at a supermarket and it either has to gluten free or lactose free, I have to cook mine today hope it all goes well. Good luck everyone else
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    food product and development

    I am doing onea food product development assingment and i am doibng mine a cookies. I do find this assingment is hard.It is also due on the first week back
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    Disgusting Student Unions

    pigs do fly