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  1. X

    flexible entry

    does usyds flexible entry system require an interview? and is there a more transparent explanation about it (on UNSW HSC + site they show you what marks gain what bonus points) thanks
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    how to get in

    hi i am intending to take a combined degree with commerce and aerospace but my uai will not be above 99. supposing my uai is higher than 95 will it be possible to gain access to the aerospace using the flexible entry scheme i am taking 4u maths and phys and chem.
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    1 or 2 supp texts

    for past three yrs the qu on tempest only requires refferal to one other supp text. however skl told us to have 2. i have 2 supp txts but am interested to know whether one would suffice and score as many marks as 2
  4. X

    can assesment marks be excluded as outliers

    ok so i get that for the purpose of the school based assesment mark the rank within the school is all that matters. but suppose that you defeat all expectations and defy the odds say you are ranked 150/200 for some subject but in the HSC you managed to rank within your school at say 20th...
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    will financial crisis affect uai cut offs

    will the current financial crisis affect the UAI cutoffs for commerce or business orientated courses. if it will, will the uai move up or down and by a substantial amount or an insignificant amount. i am aware that following 2001 and the dot com crash IT courses UAI requirements have fallen...
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    Anyone know any online tutorials for Mechanics and Resisted Motion

    Does anyone know anywhere online where I can learn the mechanics also anywhere where I can learn the other topics? Many thanks in advance