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  1. S

    Help Modern Historians For The Persian Wars

    Can somebody please let me know if you have any information from mdern historians for the Greek World 500-440BC? much appreciated
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    The Dioscuri

    The dioscuri were wroshipped in the Menelaion under a section of the cult that was devoted to Helen. They were important to the Spartans as they represented the bond that should be developed between young men. They also were the deities of sailing, riding and athletics. There are a few reliefs...
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    FAQ - Transformations - Emma/Clueless

    omg i raise my hat to you i think you just saved me from failing my english assessment!!!!!!!!!!! thank you
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    Boarding Experience

    i go to a boarding school in the country (Bathurst actually). Been there three years and its been a very mixed experience. Sometimes its awesome just having a heaps of people your own age around and living without your parents. but there are other times when you just want to go home and get...
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    Questions i need help in, help'll be very much appreciated :)

    for question two) tan 58=(2-k)divided by (1-2k) Formula above comes from the formula for finding the the differences in tan compound angles and the gradients from the two lines. (1-2k)tan58=2-k expand from there.
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    Yo! Check it! (i dont talk like this >.>)

    lol im not very artistic but there really cool. very clever and impressive
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    why do girls play hard to gett??

    girls who play hard to get arent worth the time and effort