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  1. Pura

    Transfering :S

    Hi there my name is Nick and I want to move. Apprehensive? Sorry. I live in Maitland, NSW and am currently defering a Bachelor of Psychology at Newcaslte university. However, I have grown tired of Newcastle/Maitland and really need to find my own little place and Lismore/Ballina/Byron looks like...
  2. Pura

    Transfering from one university to the other.

    Hi there my name is Nick and I want to move. Apprehensive? Sorry. I live in Maitland, NSW and am currently defering a Bachelor of Psychology at Newcaslte university. However, I have grown tired of Newcastle/Maitland and really need to find my own little place and Lismore/Ballina/Byron looks like...
  3. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    @Thekirk Should I get the shovel for that hole you're digging?
  4. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    Yes, you've figured out that lol means laugh out loud. Gold stars. Unless you're posting on topic just stop.
  5. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    You're right, got out of hand. Sorry, aMUSED.
  6. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    Well, it never hurts to have more. :)
  7. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm egotistical, I was just offended that in my proposing the use of condoms over a primitive contraceptive method as 'skeeting' fell on deaf ears only to see myself attacked for stating my own situation in a joking manner. Sorry if I offended you in anyway. I just...
  8. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    Thinking what exactly? That the pill is an option when seeking contraception? Well, it's a hell of a lot better than 'skeeting' and for my girlfriend and I it's an excellent option, that's why we use it. As I've stated at least 3 times now, I was endorsing condoms for anyone looking for a form...
  9. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    That wasn't even the point of my intial statement. I wasn't endorsing 'The Pill', I was endorsing condoms, I was just stating that in my relationship my girlfriend uses the pill with no problems whatsoever. You're entitled to explain the cons associated with 'The Pill' but bluntly stating the...
  10. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    You really are hopeless at this whole 'trolling' thing aren't you, seriously I reduced you to pointless insults in less than 300 words. Did you even manage to read my reply? You tried to toss my comment aside by 'stating the facts', all forms of contraception have cons, except of course...
  11. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    @aMUSED1977 I just thought of one you might agree with! ABSTINENCE!
  12. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    Haven't had a problem (My girlfriend and I have been together for 2 years now), I didn't suggest it, I just told you my situation, which I believe is important in any debate, as every argument is subjective to a person's experience. So, get off your fucking high horse for a moment, it's better...
  13. Pura

    Skeeting sex

    My GF uses the Pill. Lol on all of you. Oh and from other experiences: Condoms are the way to go, guys, they make you last longer, I held a poll with some mates, we all agree on that conclusion.
  14. Pura

    In a bind, a dilly of a pickle if you will...

    Cheers and thanks also, CieL. It was the queerest thing, I got a call at 10am for a job I applied for a month ago and they are giving me fulltime work (atm) monday to friday 9am-4pm. So I hope that keeps up. Long story short, I have a job now and as long as it doesn't fizzle out(business pretty...
  15. Pura

    In a bind, a dilly of a pickle if you will...

    Here's my case, the same one I'm sure many of you have heard before. I live near Dungog, for those of you who don't know the area, it's somewhere between nowhere and a place with not woolies. Anyway, there is very little work/no work here and it takes me 1/2 hour to a place with no positions for...
  16. Pura

    BoS clan.

    I doubt I play anything any of you guys play. I used to be pretty decent at Quake III and C&C:Generals. Although, I kind of threw it all away in the pursuit of beating Guitar Hero 1 and then 2.... And now 3. Still can't beat it on Expert, can't beat any songs in the last set. Anyway, I can add...
  17. Pura

    Preliminary Reading For B. Psych. (Question)

    I know my intial enthusiasm will die down once I started, but I am adament that I will do my best to learn all I can whilst there. I may just drop in to a few lectures just to see what's going on :) And Lourai, I'll check that link and see if I can get a hand on some of the textbooks before I...
  18. Pura

    Preliminary Reading For B. Psych. (Question)

    Well that's great that you're so supportive of my want to start learning about something I am extremely interested in. I don't drink frequently, I am in a stable relationship and I'm not some kind of 'square' that lives for homework. I want to learn about psychology, I want to be a doctor of...
  19. Pura

    Preliminary Reading For B. Psych. (Question)

    Hey everyone, I would first like to note that I am extremely jealous of everyone going straight to university this year, however due to money, living arrangements and all those evil necessities I have had to postpone my course until next year. The problem is, I have many, many (and I can't...
  20. Pura

    anyone else think this is unfair?

    That's ridiculous... It's a matter of perception, you are led to believe by the P-plate propaganda that all P-platers are indeed 'Batshit insane morons' and therefore that is what you see. Of course there are a certain percentage of red P-platers that are awful drivers and fail to see the errors...