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  1. zoesnotannoying

    how long can you last without sex, masturbation & porn?

    i hate it when people say "root". we are not trees, people!
  2. zoesnotannoying


    Whatever, loser. I am right. Go and check out some real OCD sufferers, who spend a whole day sitting in a chair, standing up, and sitting down again and who never eat because they are rearranging cutlery the whole time.
  3. zoesnotannoying

    how long can you last without sex, masturbation & porn?

    out of choice, 3 months or so. i did also last about 2 years without any sexual desires when i was very sick.
  4. zoesnotannoying


    with the exception of doing things in threes, none of those are real OCD habits. please, go to a mental hospital and check out some of the real crazies. being a perfectionist or wanting things to be the way that makes you feel comfortable/happy does not equate to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  5. zoesnotannoying

    "I like you.... JOKING!"

    why would anyone do that? it's not even funny, lust mean and lame.
  6. zoesnotannoying

    how long do u shower for?

    I have at least 2 or three showers a day. in Summer it can reach 5 or so. but they are shortish (10-15 minutes), and i like them quite cold, so i am not as enviro-unfriendly and wasteful as i sound.
  7. zoesnotannoying

    Women boozing is not sexually attractive to men

    that is the stupidest thing ever. i love my vodka, i love it. i enjoy it, and not because i think it will make me more sexually attractive in the eyes of men. jesus christ. and those disgusting premixed girl drinks are foul.
  8. zoesnotannoying

    meow meow

    meow meow
  9. zoesnotannoying


    Who has been watching this? I think it's a brilliant and very daring move on the pasrt of the show's creator. It really shows the revolting and almost farcical side of eating disorders, which nobody has been brave enough to do up till now. And it's so goddamn FUNNY! Sick, wrong, repulsive...
  10. zoesnotannoying

    pyjama question?

    don't you find it very hot and restrictive to wear jeans to bed? :\
  11. zoesnotannoying

    How old do you think you'll be...

    I hope that I never truly "let myself go". I really appreciate seeing old ladies (and men!) dressed up in their finest and making an effort to look smart and neat. It would be nice to imagine that I could maintain that well into my old age, too.
  12. zoesnotannoying

    St Jeromes Laneway Festival

    i want tooo goooo!
  13. zoesnotannoying

    for the hopeless romantics...

    I think it's very romantic. I like the idea of someone finding a person who has quirks that fit their own. :shy:
  14. zoesnotannoying

    Mel Gibson's Apocalypto

    i wanted to vomit and stab myself and pull out my hair while watching the passion of the christ, and i liked the feeling. i like things that make me really uncomfortable. i hope this is the same.
  15. zoesnotannoying

    Last movie you've seen?

    funny, funny movie. <3
  16. zoesnotannoying

    for the hopeless romantics...

  17. zoesnotannoying

    What was the last CD you bought?

    nice nice very nice! especially GOF, The Coral and The Cure. :uhhuh:
  18. zoesnotannoying

    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? you can never, ever, ever spot reduce. it just will not happen. you can tone up areas that are a problem for you, but the only way to get rid of fat is to lose weight in general and the loss will come from all over your body, so the area in which your fat is...
  19. zoesnotannoying

    What I am doing/wearing today

    I am being sick with a sinus-related toothache. :( I am wearing a copy of the dior beatnik jumper, black opaque tights and a very gunky face.
  20. zoesnotannoying

    losing weight?

    Re: Are YOU trying to lose weight? i am perpetually watching my weight so as to not gain any more.