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  1. S

    Free Math Extension 1 Bridging course?

    What topic from math extension 1 do you think are most important for engineering? I heard some people say mathematical induction or combinatorics/permutations
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    Free Math Extension 1 Bridging course?

    I enrolled at UNSW and they said that it’s highly recommended to do a bridging course, but it’s $400. Are there any free bridging courses or alternatives I can do?
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    Vertical double degrees?

    How do vertical double degrees work? Because I saw that it allows you to do a master with a bachelors and finish one year earlier than it would take to do both degrees separately. Would I need to select this option when I’m already in uni? And is there a benefit to doing this or is it better to...
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    Why does Physics align so badly?

    from apparently physics aligns worse than way easier subjects like CAFS and business studies, how is this even possible? Is it some sort of mistake. Like last year 89 -> 90 in physics, but 82 -> 90 in business. how does this even make sense when physics is considerable harder than...
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    Aligned marks

    Why is physics alignment worse than bio 😭😭😭
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    2023 HSC Engineering Studies examination Q.21(c)

    Are those pictures from the offical NESA solutions?