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  1. eat_a_lemon

    2023 Visual Arts Written Exam

    don't worry about it - you'll always get the choice between 6 different questions, and they would never deliberately screw over a good chunk of the cohort by forcing students to talk about contemporary. if it feels that way during the exam though, use your reading time wisely to revise what you...
  2. eat_a_lemon

    english paper 1

    sorry to whoever marks my paper because it's half crumped because i could not figure out how it was meant to sit for a solid 15 seconds
  3. eat_a_lemon

    english paper 1

    “how does miller explore emotions in the human experience through dramatic techniques” perks of being a drama student >:) the paper was surprisingly good, didn't really experience (hah) too many curveballs and it was super straight forwards, still scared of paper 2 tho