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  1. R

    Best microeconomic policies to memorise for essays.

    Hi all, I'm considering what microeconomic policies I will work on memorising for my trials and HSC. My teacher is quite keen on me mostly working with the current microeconomic policies that have been implemented in the last couple years. My only reservation with this strategy would be...
  2. R

    Revising advanced content as a 4u student?

    In the lead-up to trials do you guys think it's worth revising the content that is generally specific to the advanced course (e.g. series and sequences). I know everything in advanced is technically assumed knowledge for 4u students, but I haven't seen any of this content being examined in any...
  3. R

    SDD Major Project Ideas

    Just started year 12 and the teacher wants us to come up with ideas for our major projects. Looking for a project that can hopefully reap the most impressive mark with the smallest amount of effort/programming ability. I'm not a brilliant programmer so weary of embarking on a project that will...