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    Hey guys i am really panicking... for the legal studies hsc do we have to write 3, 4 or 5 paragraphs in the two option essays in the hsc and the crime essay?
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    HSC LEGAL STUDIES WORD requirements

    How many words should we be aiming to writing in both the 15 marker and the two 25 markers for legal studies?
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    HSC English Word Count

    Hey, what is the rough guideline for the words required in both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of standard english HSC paper? I know people say quality over quantity which is true, but can i still have a guide?
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    I am confused about SRS and EAS.

    So, I applied for SRS, and i want to get into law, how many spots are there and what are our schools using to assess us? and what is the chance of getting SRS? I also applied for EAS and had the same questions for that and when is it released?