Search results

  1. L

    How to study for prelim exams

    Ok cool! Yes that was helpful :) Best of luck for prelims! // As a side note I was wondering if anyone had any ancient history and latin prelim past papers because I can't find any on THSC...
  2. L

    How to study for prelim exams

    Prelim exams are coming up in around a month… would appreciate any tips to help me study for them!
  3. L

    Dr Du B Class

    Is there any point going to Dr Du's Year 11 Maths Ext. B Class (Online)? Is it bad / what’s the difference between it and the higher classes? Can I move up the class ranks easily?
  4. L

    Thoughts on Notion

    Thanks so much! This was really helpful :)
  5. L

    Thoughts on Notion

    Cheers! Will think about it a bit more :)
  6. L

    Thoughts on Notion

    I'm considering setting up a database on the software "Notion" for note-taking and active recall in Year 11. I was wondering how effective it is for organisation + revision, or if I should just stick to hand-written notes, Microsoft Word and Google Calendar.
  7. L

    Tutoring Alternatives for Kurt

    Ooh thank you! Hadn’t thought about that :) I’ll check it out
  8. L

    Tutoring Alternatives for Kurt

    Yeah idk abt other people but Du is ages away for me as well :// Idk considering Project Academy atm too
  9. L

    Tutoring Alternatives for Kurt

    I’m a Year 11 student- went to Kurt in Year 9 & 10 and found it really good- the maths was fun and I was able to extend myself with other students from top selective schools, like me. However, I had to quit because I live 1.25 hours away and travelling that far was no longer a viable option...
  10. L

    99.95 | DUX of NSBHS (2015) | USYD Medicine Final Year | 7+ Year Teaching Experience | HSC and Year 11 Chemistry | FREE Resources

    Hi! This is late, but it would be amazing if you could send them to me as well! My email is:
  11. L

    Advice for Year 11

    Hi! I’m about to start Year 11 and was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks for me to make it through the next couple of years. General info- I’m aiming for an atar of 99.5+ (pretty ambitious ik) and I’m taking the following subjects this year: 3u Maths 3u English Chemistry Ancient History...
  12. L

    Year 11 Maths Textbooks

    I am currently in Year 10 and am starting Year 11 next year. I am taking 3 unit maths in Year 11 (planning to pick up the 4th in Year 12). I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for good, challenging textbooks that I can use to extend myself in conjunction with the Cambridge Maths Textbook.