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  1. F

    Email address to give HSC feedback directly to NESA.

    Nope 100% how I feel, I knew I was going to get full marks because my mum told me, but then in maths nesa asked about stuff I hadn't studied for because they hate me soooooo much. (Yes this is satirical)
  2. F

    Email address to give HSC feedback directly to NESA.

    Personally, I would have got 100% guaranteed in every subject but then nesa put in hard questions and I failed everything and it's all their fault so I now have no other option than to abuse them and get my marks back in a massive email. Thank you so much for providing their email, I will now...
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    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    sorry to be a downer btw, probs best just to not think about that lol
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    Math Ext 1 Predictions/Thoughts

    Is anyone else worried that the raw mark to hsc mark conversion will be a lot worse this year because everyone has had more time to study?
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    How do you find the time to do practice exams?

    It really depends on what type of person you how hard you're willing to work, I think there are some good YT videos on it. Personally, I would just stay up late until I got what I wanted done, but everyone's different. Like are you struggling to find time because of co curricular's, or do you...
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    How do you find the time to do practice exams?

    There are 24 hours in a day, if you try hard enough you can almost always find the time. For me, it was more about finding the motivation to find the time
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    Ocean Vuong on English Paper 1

    Yeah exactly, people are so ready to complain and argue rather than just focusing on what they can actually control
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    Ocean Vuong on English Paper 1

    Maybe you don't have to appreciate it but why go out of your way to belittle someone just because you can't interpret their writing.
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    inverse function question

    @O01x is wrong, the question is not about finding the domain of an inverse function, it is about finding which of the domains allow it to be an inverse function. You need to think about the horizontal line test where the line cannot pass through more than one point in order for it to be...
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    Difference between short syntax and truncated sentence?

    Are they essentially the same thing?
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    help! I don't know what HSC subject to drop...

    Personally, I regret not dropping VA but it looks like your situation is very different to mine. Report marks are unscaled (at my school at least) so I do believe getting an 82 in maths is actually considerably better than an 89 in VA atar wise. However, I still think VA has many things going...
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    I think it's called breaking 'breaking the fourth wall'. Not super sure though.
  13. F

    Mod C structure predictions?

    Last year there was no reflection for mod C, how do you think nesa will structure it this year?
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    Difficult induction question, or maybe I'm just missing something simple?

    I tried it and couldn't do it either, thought I was ok at induction but apparently not. My working is below if someone is willing to tell me where I went wrong. Also sorry but idk how to use latex Show true when n=1 = 3^(2x2) - 1 = 3^4 - 1 =80 =8x10 therefore true for n=1 Assume n=k 3^(2k)^2...
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    Rounding in the HSC

    Has anyone ever even lost marks for not rounding enough? (Unless it is meant to be an exact value). i.e answering 2.35634 instead of 2.4. I normally write out the non-rounded version before the rounded answer to be safe so the marker knows where I rounded from.
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    Official Cryptocurrency Thread

    Well, that's awkward
  17. F

    Net Foreign Liabilities Confusion

    So some website says this (NFA refer to the value of overseas assets owned by a nation, minus the value of its domestic assets that are owned by foreigners). I thought equity and assets meant the same thing?
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    Net Foreign Liabilities Confusion

    So Net foreign liabilities + Net foreign debt + Net Foreign Equity I'm getting a bit confused as to what the negative/positive balance would mean in Net Debt and Equity. E.g if NFE = +20 and NFD = +20 would NFL = +40 I'm confused because wouldn't positive equity reduce NFL?
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    Subsidy diagram help

    Because the subsidy is being applied to all 400 units, not just the additional ones. E.g if Australian banana farmers supply 300 bananas and they are given a subsidy allowing the price of Australian banana drops from $14 to $10 (expensive banana's ik). They now are more competitive and can sell...
  20. F

    Economic Stat Sheet?

    Ok, I might be asking for too much here but does anyone have or know of a resource that has all the major stats needed and organized to suit hsc? Thank you so much!