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  1. M

    Post your 2015 ATAR here!

    93.35 :) Way higher than what I was headed for near the start of the year. Got guaranteed entry into my first pref, UNSW CompSci, so I'm completely happy.
  2. M

    General Thoughts: Physics

    but how would it go back to the initial velocity if there is nothing to accelerate it after its been slowed down by the magnet?
  3. M

    General Thoughts: Physics

    yeah doesn't it go down the whole time, i also accounted for a slight amount of friction so it is decreasing at different rates the whole time. lots of others didn't apparently but i explained it in the explanation and also started the line from v so it should be OK.
  4. M

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    Damn... usually they look for marks to give though so hopefully they wont take away more than one.. looking at 88-93 raw then..
  5. M

    2U 2015 Discussion Thread

    Omg, I didn't see for 16b that they wanted volume to 1dp, my answer is correct but its in exact form :/ Will I get 2/3 because of that?