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  1. itzJayyx3

    Roll Call: Class of 2016

    Hiii !! I'm Jaden !! c: I'm doing Extension 2 Mathematics Chemistry Physics English Standard please take care of me guys :( I go to a school that I can't even find a rank for 2014 l0l <3 Hope can all be friends <3
  2. itzJayyx3


    I got 1/4 for a description question and my friend got 3/4 for pretty much the same answer. I argued and was only able to get 1 extra mark making it 2/4. So what if hypothetically you all failed but you came first out of like 60, but in the HSC you smash the exam getting a raw mark of 90+...
  3. itzJayyx3


    I came 3rd for chemistry
  4. itzJayyx3


    Guys so us year 12's have just finished our first HSC assessment task (We made it !) and I received a shocking mark for chemistry. 27/40 which is about 68%. However I think the teacher was a bit too harsh on the marking as all us students in my school were able to see the marking criteria and...
  5. itzJayyx3

    Capable of 4u ?

    Thank you I will try doing extension 2 ! :) ^
  6. itzJayyx3

    Capable of 4u ?

    I haven't really asked many students, as our school is very small, limited to around 500 in the whole school. Last person I heard that did extension 2 mathematics was two years ago, and had to go next door to another school. He dropped extension 2 as it was too much of a hassle travelling...
  7. itzJayyx3

    Capable of 4u ?

    I'm averaging around 80 but I don't find it as interesting as I did when I first started. I have a passion for mathematics. Want to get into that actuarial studies.
  8. itzJayyx3

    Capable of 4u ?

    I will only have 10 units if I take extension 2 so I wouldn't have a backup. If I take Ext 2 I'll have; Chemistry Physics Ext 1 Ext 2 Eng Standard (Dropping economics)
  9. itzJayyx3

    Capable of 4u ?

    So I'm wondering to take 4unit Mathematics, but I am unsure if I'm capable of doing so. I went 100% in the first term assessment, and then got 66% for the first exam, and I got 83% for the 2nd exam. For the preliminary exam, our school bought it off an independent school, and it was pretty...