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  1. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Any other stores have issues with yesterday's load? My Produce load in Perth was 2 pallets worth of stock. Apparently we weren't the only ones? Edit: We normally get 5-7 pallets on Sunday for Monday.
  2. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Stability, security, leave and safety. You get a stable roster, with a minimum, contracted set of hours. You are guaranteed AT LEAST the hours your contract states. There is only one way they can drop your hours without you agreeing to it: By cutting all casual hours, pulling all Flex Up...
  3. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    You can't apply for annual leave yourself without giving I think over a week's notice. If you're granted leave for Saturday, the office staff need to put it into the system, the payroll system is Kronos. You don't need to worry about Kronos, you'll never use it. If they give it to you as a...
  4. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    It works better for the stores that have 6 registers and are busy, sure. Would be pointless for a smaller, city store with no traffic for example, because they already roster on too many people half the time. I've seen a night at a small Perth shop with three customers in the shop, with a...
  5. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    @Katebrunner It's just something they do every holiday time, they say they'll open all of their checkouts from 10am to 5pm every day around the big event (fine print saying it's based on availability and whether registers work or not). Just a marketing stunt, because we all know that...
  6. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    How about a shoutout for the VoC program! Some of my personal favourite comments (paraphrasing for confidentiality): "There was no bread and no fruit". Rated us pretty poorly. Proofing machine was screwed with signs explaining, prop bread and produce were both full all day! "Fruit and Veg...
  7. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yeah we got those new scanners in the first half of our refit (fresh departments being done soon!). They are handy, most people are learning to scan their own cards there now. I like, with the new checkouts, the receipt prints on the checkout itself, rather than a machine to the side like...
  8. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    I see. I personally wouldn't care, I haven't actually been told otherwise, so I'm assuming no one in my store cares. So long as a barcode goes through, I don't mind. We had someone use their discount card for 6 years after they quit because no one grabbed it off of her when she left. I...
  9. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    If you are concerned about it, speak to your line managers about it. If it were me, and I saw people doing it quite often, I would ask to see their discount card in person, just for policy-based reasons.
  10. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Congratulations on getting through today guys (and all of you still working!). Hopefully everyone didn't stress too much, it was fairly laid back today for my store XD
  11. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yeah dude, you're a casual, you can call out of a shift with like two hours notice. Weeks notice is for quitting. They can get annoyed at you all they like, but they can't do anything about it other than stop giving you shifts, which is a dodgy practice IMO anyway. What are they going to do...
  12. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Section 7, Clause 17: Roster change to avoid benefits So if your roster is changed to reduce or eliminate benefits for public holidays (pay or time off like when you get a day off if your rostered days off are public holidays), you are entitled to those benefits as if the roster was never...
  13. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    If you are rostered within a week of working the shift, then they can't change your public holiday shift to give you the day off without paying you penalty rates for the day off. Basically, they can't take you off the roster/change the shift to another day without 7 days notice to avoid paying...
  14. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Sorry, should have mentioned that my store (WA) doesn't trade most Sundays, only when Saturday is a public holiday (I think it's possible if Aus Day is on Sat), and 2 or 3 leading up to Christmas, that's all for the year. So if full-timers want to work Sundays this year, they have to get time...
  15. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Budgets are down all around from what I've been hearing. I heard from other stores that the budgets in supermarkets are lower for December than they were for November. I'd say it's not true, but if it is, holy hell head office have no clue. At my store, full timers aren't allowed to work...
  16. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    So just type the letter saying you wish to give notice of your leaving on the date you want to leave, hand it in 2 weeks prior to the date on the letter. Direct manager is your boss. If you're on registers, Front End Manager, if in a department, the manager of that department. Basically...
  17. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Do you want to leave now or leave in time for the new job? Either way, just write a quick letter saying your name, boss's name, period of notice you're giving, the date your employment will terminate, and just thank them for the opportunity. Then hand it in to your direct manager 2 weeks in...
  18. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Customer is always right should always just mean they should be placated wherever possible, not bent over for. Throwaway, the only way I know how to check VoC is through iPads, they have a Downloads section where you can see the VoC results through Medallia. No idea how to access otherwise...
  19. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    I love the scan rate, it tells you when operators you know are capable of speed are slacking off, and when people are hard workers. I got moved from checkouts to fruit/veg after 2 months because my scan rate was extremely high. Speed isn't everything, but one of our key measures in the VoC is...
  20. S

    The Woolworths Thread

    Contracted rates for 19 year olds is $17.67 at the moment for Grade 2 workers (In West Australia at least, it may differ state to state). You would be Grade 1 for a little while, then move to Grade 2 once you're off probation. Casuals get 20% loading, so $21.20 an hour. From 12am-5am...