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  1. jazzawhat

    Textbook Release Dates

    Hi everyone! I'm almost finished my prelim year and I was doing my textbook scouting for my hsc and noticed most of the textbooks got released annually with a new past paper from the year before, new syllabus points, or appropriate to an area of study. As I obviously want to wait for when...
  2. jazzawhat

    URGENT: Prosecutor of Baden-Clay

    Awesome, thank you so much for your help!
  3. jazzawhat

    URGENT: Prosecutor of Baden-Clay

    I thought naming the prosecutor would give me an edge over other people's assessments? :)
  4. jazzawhat

    URGENT: Prosecutor of Baden-Clay

    Hi there! I'm writing a legal report on the Baden-Clay trial at the moment and I have one source telling me the prosecutor was Todd Fuller and another telling me Danny Boyle. Which one is it? Or is it both? Please let me know asap as the report really needs to be finished tomorrow at the...
  5. jazzawhat

    Business Plan Help!

    Will have a search, thanks again :)
  6. jazzawhat

    Business Plan Help!

    Awesome thanks! Is there anywhere where I can actually find a student's completed plan?
  7. jazzawhat

    Business Plan Help!

    Hey everyone, I have my prelim Business Plan due soon and I was wondering whether there was a site or somewhere that I can get examples of past business plans from other past prelim students, instead of just general non-hsc business plans that I've been finding. I understand that people might...
  8. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    Trust me, I see zero science in my future. I actually count down the number of science lessons I have left. Thanks anyway! I'm definitely going for a career in finance :)
  9. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    I'm not doing science because I dislike it with a passion. Well, actually hate. Wait, you suggest a science for a commerce degree or am I reading that wrong? I'm actually hoping to do a commerce degree with possibly law as well, hence legal studies. As for business, I think I'll enjoy a less...
  10. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    At this stage no but if I breeze through MX1 then I'll give it a shot! Thank you so much, this was really helpful! :)
  11. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    Yeah, I'm cool with theory. Oh lucky you!
  12. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    So would you still recommend Legal?
  13. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    Catholic school making me do 13 units.
  14. jazzawhat

    Opinions on my selections?

    Okay, so I have finally decided on my subjects after much deliberation. They are: Advanced English Mathematics 2 unit Extension 1 Mathematics Economics Legal Studies Business Studies Studies of Religion 2 unit Who here enjoys these subjects or has any opinions on them? Also any...
  15. jazzawhat

    Another Subject Selection Question

    If you go with physics and bio you're doing the exact same subjects as my friend! (Not helpful.) However, with SOR check if your school allows you to do one unit with an extension course making up the 12. Mine is making me 2 units in year 11 in case I drop ext maths, that way I still have 12...
  16. jazzawhat

    Help with subject selection

    You definitely need maths if you wish to compete in a commerce degree.
  17. jazzawhat

    Business v. Legal v. Modern

    Sounds like a win-win to me :)
  18. jazzawhat

    Urgent!! Do not know what to pick!!!!

    I can already tell you everyone will advise you to pick what you enjoy. And I saw you another thread saying you doubt whether you will get into medicine anyway and you have a backup plan? Personally not a science fan so my advice on the actual selection is meager at best. But just judging from...
  19. jazzawhat


    Thank you!
  20. jazzawhat


    Ah we meet once again! This time I need advice on textbooks (A little early I know but what else can we do to satisfy my restless mind?) Ok so 1) Do you even recommend them if I'm still taking comprehensive notes in class? 2) What is the best textbook for the following subjects: Adv...