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  1. studded

    Confused with UAC Preference Order

    Right, but if a highly sought-after course is the first preference for many students, don't I run the chance of missing out on an offer by having it as my second preference because the course will be full?
  2. studded

    Confused with UAC Preference Order

    Fellow 2016 undergraduates-to-be and other members, I have two courses from two respective institutions in my list of preferences on the UAC website, but I'm not sure how to go about ordering them. My first preference is a course whose cutoff exceeds my Atar rank by a considerable margin, while...
  3. studded

    Post your 2015 ATAR here!

    I got 74.60. Considering I didn't put much effort into the assessments and the exam block at the end of the course, I'm fairly happy with it. I'm only 0.40 away from a few courses I'm interested in also. Congratulations to all of the high achievers though! And to everyone else who still...
  4. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Studies of Religion was my last exam after an absolute fuckery of a timetable. This will probably mark one of my last posts on this site (at least I think it will), so just wanted to thank everyone for the banter and support throughout the last year/two years. Time has flown by so fast, and...
  5. studded

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    I put more effort into this video then I did with my study for the exams so far... :reface:
  6. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    I've got five exams in the first four days of exams, and I have incredibly insufficient notes for all of my classes. I know I've got time (fleeting at that) but I just feel like my attempts of studying are futile as fuck.
  7. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    We had our graduation dinner last night and it was perfect. It was supposed to be very systematic, but we danced for two hours without any breaks. I'm going to miss my cohort so much...
  8. studded

    Is anybody else feeling super sentimental?

    (When you accidentally post a thread about the HSC underneath the University sub-forum) I know most of us have several weeks left until graduation, but in the last few days I've been falling asleep and waking up to memories of my time during the last 5 years at school. I'd be lying if I said...
  9. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Society and Culture peers, I know it was one of the first things we covered in the HSC course, but what are the 'evolutionary' and 'transformative' changes again? I assume the first is related to the evolutionary social theory, but what about the second?
  10. studded

    CSSA English aos paper 1

    I centralised all of my responses to Section I's questions on extended metaphors, and I had enough time to write only one paragraph for creative. :cook:
  11. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Fellow English Advanced course takers, would it be a good idea to prepare for the two papers by writing notes underneath the sentences of each module's rubric like this?
  12. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    It'll definitely be a weird night, knowing that we'll be waking up to another school term for the last time. The start of every term has come back in a mental sequence. :cold:
  13. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Even God can't save me now!
  14. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That feeling when you're 3/4 into finishing all your notes... for one topic... of one course... among 6 courses.... :drink:
  15. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    If I could swap my work ethic during the Preliminary course with that of the HSC course, I would do it without any regrets.
  16. studded

    Significant Sites: Sparta

    In revising my notes for 'Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC', I realised that I hadn't covered this section underneath the first dot point from the syllabus. Amyklaion, Menelaion and the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, are already covered underneath 'Cultural Life', but am I supposed...
  17. studded

    PIP Questionnaire on definitions of gender

    Good luck with the completion of the project!
  18. studded

    What are your thoughts on animal mistreatment and the ethics involved?

    I would really appreciate it if anybody reading this thread could attempt the questionnaire. Thanks in advance! :cool: Questionnaire Link
  19. studded

    What'd you people do this holidays so far for HSC?

    I was supposed to have caught up with notes and small homework tasks but I've instead procrastinated and watched a plethora of reality television show episodes. :headbang:
  20. studded

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Hi everyone, long time no see! How has the HSC treated all of you so far? I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post it in, but I'll go ahead and try anyway. As a Society & Culture student we are required to procure a research project that spans several months' worth of research and...