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  1. H

    Share your Visual Arts BOW

    oh BTW i totally understand what you're saying about it being cliche. and i did eyes because i love them, not for conceptual strength. i would have been unhappy doing anything else, and to be honest its the only thing i'm good at. i wanted to paint something stunning and beautiful more than i...
  2. H

    Share your Visual Arts BOW

    Thanks :) I never submitted a statement; my teacher told me they dont look at it? oh well :P it's supposed to be about the way in which people are lazy and treat food as a luxury, forgetting its a part of our survival and idk. now i wish i had written a blurb..
  3. H

    Share your Visual Arts BOW

    Hey I'd love to see all your major works :) And any feedback for mine i'd really appreciate, i worked really hard on it but i honestly have no idea how they mark these things. im so nervous for my marks. Theres 5 parts ^ It explores the relationship between predator and prey (or...
  4. H

    Major Work Mark Predictions

    That's my boyfriend's eye; he is obsessed with kfc :3 Thanks for the feedback. i'd love to see yours or anyone elses for that matter! :)
  5. H

    Major Work Mark Predictions

    someone give me feedback. i worked so hard on it and im freaking terrified. The concept explores the relationship between predator and prey. it's watercolours. i'd really appreciate your response :) Btw they're about 1m/1m each. they are a wolf, a lion, an owl, a crocodile and a human (idk...