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  1. D

    hello zeke boy u just rejected me :bat:

    hello zeke boy u just rejected me :bat:
  2. D


    :cold::love::skip::mad::thrust::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja::dog::music::cold: hope for the best, expect the worst life is a play and we're unrehearsed YO BUT who directed this play
  3. D

    do muslims care about what's happening in syria?

    YES !! Muslims do care about what is happening in Syria and in any other Islamic country that is going through war or any other hardships. I know that my local mosque had done a lot of fundraisers for Syria, also for Egypt and Libya when they where having their revolutions. And i have also been...
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    Listening Task Technique?

    remember to get info about tone, introduction with music and any language techniques in general