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  1. S

    University of Wollongong and Flinders university

    UOW Is university of Wollongong a good uni? As per it is ranked 10th. But i doubt its reputation because it has a lower fee compared to other top universities. Is there a reason for its low fees? Is it difficult to get admission in this uni...
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    UWS: Flying to hell or heaven????

    Among these three, which one is the best? Maquarie uni or Flinders uni or Deakin uni
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    UWS: Flying to hell or heaven????

    Does this apply to all universities? Like, a student with excellent grades from UWS = a student from UNSW with "not bad" type of grades?
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    UWS: Flying to hell or heaven????

    Well, it took me a lot of time to read all the replies. Laughed at some replies. The truth is that i will take education loan to do my studies at uni. After completing my four years of engineering, i will be under a debt of AUD94,720 (UWS). So if i study at UWS will i be able to find a job which...
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    Hi Ascentyx, I am Sisir from India. I am planning to join Macquarie Uni next year to do Bachelor...

    Hi Ascentyx, I am Sisir from India. I am planning to join Macquarie Uni next year to do Bachelor of computer Engineering. The minimum marks required for it is 75% in 12th(India). What if i get 65%? Can i still get admission because i am an international student? I heard that international...
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    UWS: Flying to hell or heaven????

    Hi there friends, I am Sisir and i am planning to join UWS for Bachelor of computer engineering next year that is 2012. Well, i am basically from India. I am doing my 12yr here right now. Till my 10th i studied CBSE syllabus and then i went to a good Pre-University known by the name St...