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  1. Eyedeology

    Favourite YouTube video

    top that - hahahaha
  2. Eyedeology

    Flirting with others while in a relationship.

    what's the point in bothering with a relationship if your just chasing cute boys?
  3. Eyedeology

    English Advanced Preliminary: Secondary Text on Connections

    Thanks for the suggestion, i'll check him out now.
  4. Eyedeology

    QLD police arrest those explaining the true meaning of the Swastika symbol.

    If it was clear that they weren't honouring Nazi beliefs then WHY THE HECK WERE THEY ARRESTED!
  5. Eyedeology

    Are you better of worse off financially than last year?

    Worse off, thankgod i'm not at an age in where it's required to be self-sufficient. I have $14 in my bank, and $20 in my wallet, and am jobless.
  6. Eyedeology

    English Advanced Preliminary: Secondary Text on Connections

    Well anything but a film. Novel/Poem/Play
  7. Eyedeology

    English Advanced Preliminary: Secondary Text on Connections

    Cheers for the response, that's true, although i forgot to mention i am seeking one that really highlights my meaning; That connections exist everywhere to a certain degree. So maybe like a religious or spiritual text, something that refers to a universal bond?
  8. Eyedeology

    Stupidest thing you've been punished for?

    Detention for someone on the opposite side of the room talking. That guy needs new ears.
  9. Eyedeology

    True Blood

    There's a lot of talk about it, might start watching..
  10. Eyedeology

    English Advanced Preliminary: Secondary Text on Connections

    Hey guys, i was wondering if anyone could suggest a reasonably compelling & interesting text that has some relation to connections? Our prescribed text is Ender's game, which is a sci-fi adventure novel. I also already have a movie as my primary secondary text, so what i'm looking for is a text...
  11. Eyedeology

    holidays: study or play?

    Next holidays going to definitely.
  12. Eyedeology

    Plans for starting Year 12 in a few months?

    Feeling like both histories may become a burden, and not enjoying modern...So i will probably drop that. That being said, History extension may be an option :p
  13. Eyedeology

    how do you act

    Before or after they kill themselves...?
  14. Eyedeology


    Or, just put; Week A/Week B in your PM.
  15. Eyedeology

    friends/family of your S.O

    Eh, same thing.
  16. Eyedeology

    am i the only one who has no motivation?

    I have a tiny ammount of motivation kindling in me, i just never act upon it. I would say a large majority of year 11's are the same.
  17. Eyedeology

    Teacher, Lawyer, Psychologist..... I could use a second opinion please! :D

    I would advise that psychology would not be the best option, simply due to it's popularity...job options may not be the best. It eventually just comes down to what you are most interested in.
  18. Eyedeology

    Guyz look over here pls...

    Only advice i could give is to write your own, rather then use others.