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    lectures back to back?

    ummm oh dear that is exactly what I have to do :\ If i change it my timetable is going to be sooooo bad :(
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    lectures back to back?

    okay thanks! I'll just have to be a fast walker haha :S
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    lectures back to back?

    Hey guys, So I have a few lectures back to back which I don't mind except for the distance between them :S literally opposite sides of campus.... Do lectures finish early/start late a little bit to allow for this type of thing? Or do they not mind if you rock up a few minutes late... I...
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    Semester 1 timetables 2011

    Thanks! What should I do about Monday? :\ and nope sorry not science... engineering/law ftw
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    Semester 1 timetables 2011

    How do u attach a picture :\
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    Semester 1 timetables 2011

    O.o I am going to have to run at an above human speed between those buildings on a monday...any suggestions? Besides that having basically half of most other days if pretty good :D
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    not eligible for HECS-HELP?

    They say it should take 6 months from start to when you attend the university. Personally, it took a month. However, I have lived here as a permanent resident since I was quite young. And as said above ^^ even if one semester has to be paid....the rest shouldnt have to be so...all the...
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    not eligible for HECS-HELP?

    Hey Ummmm I didn't actually make an appointment...I just rocked up XD Here is where the sydney office is: anyways if you have EVERYTHING with you they should do everything on the day (if you 18 or over you will have to do the...
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    not eligible for HECS-HELP?

    Hey, Okay im in a similar situation too but I'm from New Zealand. Basically, if u do want to take advantage of a HECS placement you would need to become a citizen by your universities census date (check with ur uni). If you decide to go down this path I would recommend physically going...
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    Two scholarships at once??!

    thanks guys! I think I'm going to go in and talk to them and maybe explain my circumstances (low out of home) and see if they could maybe send the second one straight to my accomodation :D *hopes
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    Two scholarships at once??!

    Hey guys, Just checked if I got an equity scholarship on the UAC wesbite and I have been successful (yay!) however, I have already been offered a Usyd merit scholarship. Just wondering if it is possible to hold 2 at once? (I have a feeling it isn't/I would feel kinda guilty....but it would be...
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    I know where to go for enrolment and maybe if i turn up early? Yeah mum didn't tell me it wasn't here until just then :|
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    Hey, My enrolment date is for monday...however, I have not received my uac offer letter through the mail yet but need it to enrol :S will it be a problem? What should I do?
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    Answers to Accommodation/Colleges questions at UNSW

    I've been looking at all the threads and I just have a few questions that have been left unanswered..... At the kensington colleges..i know this is kinda a silly question bbuuttt whats the bathroom situation exactly...i get that it is the whole floor or like 10 rooms...and im...
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    Answers to Accommodation/Colleges questions at UNSW

    I've been looking at all the threads and I just have a few questions that have been left unanswered..... At the kensington colleges..i know this is kinda a silly question bbuuttt whats the bathroom situation exactly...i get that it is the whole floor or like 10 rooms...and im...