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  1. E

    Does meadia studies require doing adv english?

    Does media studies require adv english,if so where can i find a print out proof of this?
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    Help me with changing class issue from standard to adv

    i have done that.the guy is a prick.i have even gone to principal and the head teacher agreed to move me but later changed his mind.
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    Help me with changing class issue from standard to adv

    I have wanted to move to adv english since start of year 11 but the head teacher keeps maing excuses ect and wont move me because he doesnt like me.....he has moved alot of people to adv and my results where better than theirs..I have made an excuse that i need it for the course i am doing which...
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    Could someone help me make a logo please?

    my mates are running an under 18s party and we need a logo.Due to being students in year 10 we cant afford getting a graphic designer. The event is called Infinity Under 18s *nneds a ravish/electro ish theme *the use of the Infinity symbol and everything else up to you Please help...
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    Finally canged from standard to advanced english

    Can any of you rats suggest any good movies which i could use as a related text for the topic journey?
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    Finally canged from standard to advanced english teacher said theyre marked diff :S but i dnt wana change anyways this term cause we did a novel study and other class did poetry text types soo yeh....yehhh the teachers a rat...couldve moved me from start!
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    Finally canged from standard to advanced english

    ye but marked differently..adv marked harder
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    english journey text type help for half yearlies!!!!!!

    I need to do a text type...e.g movie,song,book...for my half yearlies which relates to journeys...(what movie or song is best do u guys think?)...pls dont say any books (barely read books) nor say fight club cause too many ppl are doing it!
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    Journey text type!

    i can choose! but i dnt want to do a book!
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    Finally canged from standard to advanced english

    i put my name down for adv english last year but i didnt get moved to it and got placed to standard and was told that there was no space...later on in 1st week ppl got moved up to adv which had a lower sc mark than me!:angry:soo then i kept annoying the head teacher at my school for 4 weeks till...
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    Journey text type!

    I need to do a text type...e.g movie,song,book...for my half yearlies which relates to journeys...(what movie or song is best do u guys think?)...pls dont say any books (barely read books) nor say fight club cause too many ppl are doing it!
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    Studying for half yearlies?

    too noob brent :P jks gl