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  1. P

    Averaging Pass

    Hey guys Im in my final year of bachelor of liberal arts and science, majoring in history and minoring in IT(hopefully) and im averaging a pass in all my subjects thus far. I basically chose this course because i didn't know what i wanted to do until now, and that is something in...
  2. P

    I dont get it

    Hi, im in my 2nd year of doing bachelor of liberal arts and science at usyd. This degree is a 3 year degree which allows me to choose a major in arts then a minor in science and vice versa. Added on is a choice of 36 credit points from the 'liberal side' of subjects like Analytical thinking and...
  3. P

    Regarding ATAR

    HMM.. so i still dont understand how this atar shit works... right now im getting like 60% etc in the internals and shit. i have not studied... however im planning to study 24/7 etc and if i get does 90% in the externals will i still get a 80+ atar or is that out of reach and im stuck at a...
  4. P

    retail half yearlys

    Hello I will be having my retail half yearlys next week and i was hoping to find some past papers for preliminary year 11 half yearly papers. Thanks in advance :D
  5. P

    Year 11 ancient history.

    Hi im currently doing an assessment where i have to find 5 sources that relate to a roman or viking site in britain. with 3 archaeological and 2 sources are to be written. which one would be easier viking or roman and if anyone would give me tips and sources. THX in advance :D
  6. P

    Help on crusades...

    Hey everyone, can you give me some notes or some tips about the ancient crusades... THX
  7. P

    Science sc notes needed

    Does anyone have science notes for the sc.... Just generally in the test, Like theory of evolution, basic chemistry and basic physics. THX : )