Search results

  1. StephenM

    still possible to get above 99?

    Ah i see. For my uni application, it requires an estimate ATAR prior to sitting the HSC. What would you do to obtain an accurate estimate? Just add up averages for each subject... ? Thanks
  2. StephenM

    still possible to get above 99?

    Hey. In terms of estimating your ATAR, assuming the use of say SAM, should values that are plugged in be your average mark in each subjects? and if so, should this include assignments or just actual tests? Thank you.
  3. StephenM

    James Ruse?

    How much does school rank (schools rating, not individual) influence the ATAR?
  4. StephenM

    So what schools are you all from?

    Thomas Reddall High School South Western Sydney Next to campbelltown hospital ... :rolleyes:
  5. StephenM

    Alternative medicine/medical science careers ***

    Hey Everyone... I am considering med at the end of the year, however, its obviously dependent on ATAR and UMAT - and there is a chance i may not get the marks i want (not negative, just realistic lol) i was wondering what other interesting careers there may be in the field? Simple titles...
  6. StephenM

    Help needed!!! Kidney dissection

    Really simple diagram. May also be important to look at other popular diagram... which shows in detail the tubules, loop of henile and the reabsorption of water and salt through active and passive transport - and excretion of nitrogenous gases. As for experiments, just perform dissection and...
  7. StephenM

    Ethical issues from the fact that patents are involved with GM products??

    Hi there! Ill give you question a shot! Firstly, A Patent "is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state (national government) to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of an invention". For example, the design of the Martin ejector seat...
  8. StephenM

    Paramedic courses *requirements*

    Hey everyone, I have a friend who is really interested in being a paramedic. Does anyone know; - Which universities in particular run the paramedics course? (apart from CSU) - Can the course be done through distance ed? - What options are there if an ATAR <70 is achieved? Any...
  9. StephenM

    Medicine @ University of Western Sydney

    Hi Everyone... I am a year 12 med hopeful... and created this thread for any other med hopefuls and/or med students to discuss information about the course at UWS, especially with an emphasis on the selection process, competitiveness... etc. Any general info will do. :D
  10. StephenM

    Survey Help

    Donskees !!
  11. StephenM

    Essay on "Belonging Brings Acceptance"

    Hey ... your definition sounds good! I think to understand the notion of belonging = acceptance, you must understand exclusion. In my opinion belonging brings about acceptance in that we cannot help but belong. E.g. one that likes pop music, belongs (and is therefore accepted) into a group of...
  12. StephenM

    Favourite Soft Drink?

    Bit unusual for a 17 year old - but, i reckon diet coke is the best !!
  13. StephenM

    The different levels of members (e.g.: new member, assistant member)

    Hey! Anyone know the all the levels a member can be... and how to move up - how many posts? replies? stuff like that? Hope this makes sense.
  14. StephenM

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    Freedom is the ability to spontaneously react with ones desires. The economy dictates freedom. Those with money exemplify - those with nothing are unfortunately restrained.
  15. StephenM

    Who can't wait for school to be over?

    I. I am sick of school and can't wait to get out. But still - it's less than a year !!:spin:
  16. StephenM

    P1 Silverwater RTA test

    Them darn school zones are a pain! Don't forget to indicate off roundabouts! Good Luck !:D
  17. StephenM

    best scaling subjects?

    Perhaps i should have picked different subjects lol
  18. StephenM

    Who is aiming for Medicine 2011

    Anyone know the approximate UMAT score required to compete for a position in MBBS, and, how much this differs when applying at UWS?