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  1. Woteva636

    What marks do you think you got?

    i'd guess around 60-75%
  2. Woteva636

    What do you think you'll get..

    If you dont count my mistakes and the questions i didnt get around to doing, i will get 100%. No alternatives.
  3. Woteva636

    How Bad is the HSC stress for you?

    average of about 0.5, bumping up to 1.5 for about 5minutes before each exam, i know ive put in the hard work, so im not that worried
  4. Woteva636

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 1

    It was a good paper, and i probably would have finished it with an extra half an hour, but I'm satisfied with what i got done. As far as marks, i hope i get around 75%
  5. Woteva636

    SOR I - Section 3! YOUR THOUGHTS

    That question was total BS, i studied Christianity and Islam, and I am stuggling to find any basis for either question in the syllabus. Oh well, if no one got it the nett result is the same as if it was really easy.:gift:
  6. Woteva636

    multiple choice help

    Q 9(interfaith)- A (a secular society threatens the religions) Q 10(ecumenisism) - C Q 3( i think it was)(Aboriginies)- C (I think) Q 6 (proportions of members)- D (Presbyterians dropped and uniting rose because the unitings formed from the presbyterians after 45)
  7. Woteva636

    Question 11

    i had a question like that in my trial that i screwed up big time, you dont even have to mention the signs, just something from them, eg i said methodsits etc merged to form uniting church. see, now thats out of the way, i am free to talk about immigration and secularism.
  8. Woteva636

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    "If you aim for the stars you might hit the moon" i said in the poll 95-99.95, for the reason above. in reality, i'll probably get around 85, 90, which should get me into business whereever they'll take me!
  9. Woteva636

    Will they screw us over for Paper 2?

    Yeah, i saw that paper, but AFTER the trials, my teacher gave it to us as a practice, i was very glad!!
  10. Woteva636

    Will they screw us over for Paper 2?

    I came out of the paper 1 exm and had a chat with my teacher. he told me that one of the questions in fridays paper will seriously mess with our heads. he wasnt sure which one, but he's adament one of them willl. (Not looking forward to it at all!!)
  11. Woteva636

    Setting the bar too high

    Geez guys, get a grip on reality!!! I'm aiming for 999.95!
  12. Woteva636

    C/D: English Paper 1 should be extended by about 30 minutes

    The 2nd paper should get a bit longer, after all, its an extra 15 marks. however, next year its all one test anyway, so each section that we do would be the equivelant of 1.5hrs. BTW, if they extended either test, there'd be a huge uproar from those who don't really want to do english anyway...
  13. Woteva636

    Estimate what you got and how many pages?

    Section 1: 4 pages: 10 Section 2: 6 pages: 13 Section 3: 5 pages: 11 anything over 30 and i'll be happy, but i wouldnt complain if it was around 38 or higher
  14. Woteva636

    Writing on the white pages

    Hopefully they wont deducte marks, but maybe not give you the mark the words were worth. We werent told not to write on the white paper, they just said if you run out of space get another booklet, but no one did
  15. Woteva636

    Running outta time during the exam

    I left the 5 marker and came back in the last 5 minutes, thats wot i did in the half yearly and trial as well, i just had a brain dump and hopefully can get 3 marks for it like before
  16. Woteva636

    How many related texts???

    lol, i keep on getting INTERNAL ERROR 500, or something like that, a lot of ppl must be on now. I did one, it was good becuase the other text i studied wouldnt have really worked with the question
  17. Woteva636

    ZOMG!!its today

    so do I
  18. Woteva636

    Taking exam papers out

    We were told take them if you want. If you want a copy of the exam, just ask your teacher, they would have at least one.
  19. Woteva636

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    I guess the issue is that some people wouldnt even read the ONE other text bit, they would be to busy trying to twist their memorised essay to fit the question. I now realise why my teacher told me not to memorise an essay, and I'm glad I didnt. No, i dont think you'll get marked down, but you...