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  1. slip00knot

    The Chaser's War on Everything

    you said "making jokes about terminally sick kids is always hilarious imo" if they aren't actually terminally sick then what is your point?
  2. slip00knot

    Does God exist?

  3. slip00knot

    Does God exist?

    good point. i guess i would be agnostic then. i just never delved that much into religion. but yeah. your right
  4. slip00knot

    New Moon trailer

  5. slip00knot

    Does God exist?

    the bottom line is that nobody can prove whether there is a god or not. although i like what death roses said about if you believe then there is for you. and if not then vice versa i personally am an atheist. but i do hope there's something up there. because i hate the idea of no afterlife...
  6. slip00knot

    The Chaser's War on Everything

    i thought it was a set up? as in they weren't actually sick kids.:confused:
  7. slip00knot

    Four Teens knifed 666 times each and eaten

    It clearly states that they are Satanists, not Atheists. dickhead
  8. slip00knot

    The Chaser's War on Everything

    they got in trouble for that. i thought it was one of the better moments of last nights show though.
  9. slip00knot

    restaurants good for date not no expensive...

    point? we've been together for 3 years
  10. slip00knot


    fine. jay jays. bra's and things may have them (but u'd probably have to get them with a costume) any surf shops may. there's no point looking in suparmarket shops because generally they don't buy "sexy" clothing any lingerie shops should also have them. better?
  11. slip00knot

    restaurants good for date not no expensive...

    :confused: now im confused
  12. slip00knot


    any specialist clothing shops should have em. just look around. you'll definately find some
  13. slip00knot

    restaurants good for date not no expensive...

    chinese restaurants are always fairly cheap and have good food. took me and my fiance out to one the other day. under 30 dollars and we both had a great night
  14. slip00knot

    The Chaser's War on Everything

    love the chasers. my favourite segment is the ad road test :)
  15. slip00knot

    Ben Cousins finger

    exactly. the media does too much damage to australian sporting stars in all codes. its ruining australian sport
  16. slip00knot


    thanks... lol:music:
  17. slip00knot


  18. slip00knot

    HELP!!!! How can i become a magnet for chicky babes?? !!!!!

    get a crowd of women to follow you. then abruptly destroy the entire mafia in front of them. guaranteed respect
  19. slip00knot

    age gap 13 yr old and a 27yr old?

    fail thread...