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  1. Ligeti

    Junk Food can't be stopped

    Well for drivers to be able to drive we measure their skills by periodically putting them to the test, if they don't pass they can't drive. Every driver is an adult by law so they should be capable of good decision making and clear judgement. But there aren't (and shouldn't ever be) any control...
  2. Ligeti

    Junk Food can't be stopped

    I agree that advertising does not vitiate free choice. So banning the advertisement does not affect your rights to consume those products. What could the downside possibly be? Sure parents should be better parents but using that argument against measures like this is like arguing that speed...
  3. Ligeti

    Junk Food can't be stopped

    You don't see beer or smoke ads during day time TV, and those are legal products that one could argue have the right to broadcast their ads at any time they like... Why is it different for junk food? The Health risk is very similar. Sure parents should do their jobs and be better parents, but...
  4. Ligeti

    Junk Food can't be stopped

    Every once in a while I'll have junk food, probably like most people, but I'm aware it's bad for your health and it's consumption shouldn't be encouraged, specially for kids. This is why the Greens (who most of the time I hate, but I agree with them here) proposed a "Protecting Children from...
  5. Ligeti

    Ben Cousins finger

    So I got a word wrong in my second language... My english isn't perfect. But I'd never go into a thread and only write to give someone shit about a misspelled word. I might be more illiterate. But I sure got a better education than you.
  6. Ligeti

    Ben Cousins finger

    I don't mind if Cousins gets fined or not, that's up to the AFL, but I'm really shocked by the double standards of the media. If Cousins behavior was so bad and such a bad influence for children, isn't it just as bad to be repeating the footage all day everyday, as well as printing a picture...
  7. Ligeti

    Wouldn't Jesus be dissapointed we aren't Jewish?

    Wasn't that what he was preaching? I can just imagine him coming back after 2 thousand years ago and going "WTF!!! Didn't you guys read the book? Where does it say "Make a new religion idolizing me"?"
  8. Ligeti

    How many of the IMDB top 250 have you seen?

    I've seen 152 of them, this list changes fairly often though
  9. Ligeti

    Your top 100 movies

    - I hated Saw, cool twist, terrible acting - I liked Shaun of the Dead more than Hot Fuzz. But I still liked them both - Yes, I like The Shawshank Redemption - Yes, I like Fight Club - No, I'm not and english teacher - I'm not sure what REALLY into popular culture means
  10. Ligeti

    Your top 100 movies

    If anyone else has as much spare time as me, make a top 100 of your favorite movies and post it, here's mine: 1- The Motorcycle Diaries 2- Vanilla Sky 3- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 4- Adaptation 5- Into the Wild 6- The Godfather Part II 7-...
  11. Ligeti

    Should war movies be banned?

    I'm curious to read what War has started because of a War movie
  12. Ligeti

    'Watchmen' is a better film than 'The Dark Knight'

    I disagree: Performances: TDK Soundtrack: TDK Cinematography: TDK Memorable scenes: TDK Story: W Script: TDK Makeup: TDK Editing: W FX: TDK Direccion: TDK
  13. Ligeti

    'Watchmen' is a better film than 'The Dark Knight'

    What you are saying could justify The Dark Knight being overrated. But influence, star power and hype have nothing to do with the low ratings of Watchmen. It simply isn't that great
  14. Ligeti

    List the most epic movies of all time.

    What does everybody understand for "Epic"?
  15. Ligeti

    List the most epic movies of all time.

    - Saving Private Ryan - Schindler's List - Gladiator - Braveheart - Ghandi - The 12 Commendments - Ben-Hur - Spartacus - Seven Samurai - Lord of the Rings - 2001 - Blade Runner - Planet of the APes - V for Vendetta - The Godfather - Goodfellas
  16. Ligeti


    Cool movie. I remember seeing the trailers and thought it looked like crap, too over the top and cheesy, but yesterday I hired it and from the start you realize it's not a "serious" action movie. It's to action movies what "Moulin Rouge" was to musicals... over the top and excesive, but also...
  17. Ligeti

    Angelina Jolie VS Megan Fox, Who's Better?

    In a couple of years nobody is gonna remember Megan Fox. It isn't a contest. Where would she be if it wasn't for Michael Bay? Jolie made her way up the hard way, with B movies and TV movies. If you check her career she didn't star in any blockbusters before winning an Oscar for "Girl...
  18. Ligeti

    What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from now

    Re: What TV show from now or the past would you like to see revived/remade years from - The West Wing: The possibilities for that TV series are endless - Mad About You: Not the whole series back, but maybe a 1 hour special every once in a while. - Hack (with David Morse): This series had a...
  19. Ligeti

    Recommend me a phone

    Nokia N82 has everything you are looking for and I think it retails for $500
  20. Ligeti

    fave war-related movie thus far?

    Without any order and probably forgetting a couple: - Paths of Glory - Dr Stranglove - From here to Eternity - A bullet in the Head - Braveheart - Hotel Rwanda - Schindler's List - The Thin Red Line - Black Hawk Down - Letters from Iwo Jima - Tigerland - Downfall