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  1. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    this thread has no point now lol You ever seen a "backburn" put in? flame height should be kept below 1.5m (not the scorch height), thats usually enough for native plants. if you burn to much, it changes the vegetation you usually only conduct a HR (hazard reduction) around towns...
  2. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    It will burn if you get it hot enough, but you`d find that those small pockets of temperate rainforest are ony there becasue it hasnt burnt there with past fires, which would make it unlikely it would burn there in the future.
  3. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    "the pattern of fire spread often reveals a predictable pedestrian rate of 16–20 km/h for the maximum fire speed." Thats your Sclerophyll forest. As the wind oscillates, its change in direction progressively picks up the flames on the flank, giving the appearance of a wave of flame actively...
  4. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    hopfully we will learn somthing from it. i think there is a thin line before it creates mass panic though, but we do need somthing better lol bogans, oh dear
  5. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    im srry and take that back, it was a freak of nature. im guessing that the fire didnt travel down any existing fire cooradors, and with the front jumpin somthing like 7km in 14min (correct me if im wrong) thats movin im on the pre-list to go down
  6. the-intercepter

    Victorian bushfires

    they knew what the conditions were going to be like. poor souls, fire education needs to be drilled into every one. but hey, it will happin again
  7. the-intercepter

    MR licence

    Has any one out done the theory and prac test for a MR (medium rigid) licence??? ive got a rough understandin of wat you have to do in the prac test but the theory ( the HVCBA), it is like a green p`s test? or just a bunch of questions out of the book??? thanks if any one could help
  8. the-intercepter

    Who Is Studying Science At Uow In 2009

    I spose ill see you`s all there then lol oh, and what is the difference between a Bach. of science, and an international Bach of science??
  9. the-intercepter

    Travelling 1hr+ to uni

    yeah, might drive the 2hrs up to wollongong to start off with, hopfully i can find some where to live up there lol
  10. the-intercepter

    is adv science able to get a high-salary job?

    "At the same time that a mining industry desperate for the expertise of geologists has allowed some graduates to push their starting salaries beyond $100,000, university geology departments are cutting staff and subjects or closing altogether." then again... that was back in 06 in the SMH
  11. the-intercepter

    UAC thingy

    might be a stupid question, but.... what happins when we get our UAC preferences? (spacifically wollongong)
  12. the-intercepter

    Why do so many people boast about their UAI?

    if you tell someone who aint in the education industry, they couldnt give a fuck im proud of my 65.4
  13. the-intercepter

    Are you truly satisfied?

    ring the uni u want to go to i rang the gong for the sake of it, and they gave me 5 more points "oh, you come from vincentia, here, have 3 more" cheers all, congrats
  14. the-intercepter

    What kind of school do you go to?

    best god dam school on the south coast vincentia high! we dont have enough power points for laptops, and power boards are dangerous :(
  15. the-intercepter

    lost pin

    lol im such a dickhead, yeah, it was on me notice board cheers
  16. the-intercepter

    lost pin

    ok we got the pin number a while back at school, in the letter, where we had to peel the little tab off it am i correct?? we need this pin to find our results, not our UAI? i lost my pin and the only solution i can find is to mail a copy of my drivers licence to the BOS, then they will...
  17. the-intercepter

    Global warming occuring faster than predicted

    well ive been trying to work out which side to take for a while in the end fuck this "global warming" bullshit isnt having a negative impact on the environment a just reason to reduce our fossil fuel consumption??? and waste full lifestyles???
  18. the-intercepter

    Aboriginal children in care now exceeds stolen generations

    i dont know there are good backs, and there are lazy blacks like there are good whites, and there are lazy whites just i can work my arse off, and not get a cent off the government.... thats racist
  19. the-intercepter

    Does God exist?

    well I better through my 2 cents in... the whole thing of god being a "thing" is silly, religion is just a way of life, and the bible.. the guide book. You are not spose to take it literally anywho, somtimes its helpfull have to have faith in at least one thing when faced with deth...