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  1. H

    How would you write a sustained response for this particular question?

    Outline how social and cultural literacy is the result of synthesis of personal experience and public knowledge? (4 marks)
  2. H

    MAB - Enzyme Activity

    Do we have to thoroughly know all three experiments of substrate concentration, pH, and temperature on enzyme activity? Or just the conclusions? Please don't ignore this question. You already clicked it. Please answer. :) What are you doing about it? Have you already memorised them? Thank...
  3. H


    What exactly goes in the appendices? My SAC teacher says there needs to be one. o_O. Is it just primary research or what?
  4. H

    Mcq :)

    1. Which of the following is the most significant social implication of increased mechanisation in the food industry? A. Decreased environmental pollution B. Increased range of convenience foods C. Increased range of products for consumers D. Decreased employment opportunities for unskilled...