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    Changing Schools Mid Year?

    why would u want to do this, i dont get it. unless ur trying to move to a selective school like james ruse, but do they even do that?? just stay where u r right now, so much easier...
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    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    my skool mentioned them but we wont be filling any of the forms n shit out until next year... LAME!!! cant believe ppl already have theirs, lucky!!!!
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    are you on the pill?

    wait im confused..... i went to that then, yer its about the pill but it doesnt answer the questions im asking??? i want to no how many girls r on it and if ppl had to deal with judgemental friends when they went on it..... and how they dealt with that..... im not curious about side effects and...
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    are you on the pill?

    so i recently started sleeping wit my longterm bf, most of my friends have guys but there all christians and not having sex until their married. i want to go on the pill but im scared my friends will find out and judge me for it... who here is on the pill? also has anyone been in my situation...
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    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    i'll go first, i am a girl and i spit. ive never swallowed before but i'm to scared to, its supposed to taste really shit???? i feel spitting is a happy compromise cuz he still gets to cum in ur mouth and experience that visual and i'm not doing anything i'm uncomfortable with
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    Cum - to spit or to swallow?

    just wondering how u gals prefer to finish ur job off, and what u guys prefer!!!! in ur reply can u pls say if this is what u do as a girl or if this is what u prefer a girl to do as a guy
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    girlfriend a cheater

    if you found out your girl was cheating and it didnt automatically break your heart then you probably didnt really care about her in the first place cheating sucks but dont be petty about it just move on and find someone right for you because this girl clearly wasnt
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    are you in love?

    right now, at this very second, would you consider yourself in love? =]
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    Kon ni chua. How can I make her love me?

    you can't "make' or force love love is something you cant rush, its something that has to grow organically. thats why its so special when you do find it =] dont worry, theres someone else out there for you. even if this girl isnt the one, it may hurt now but u just need to move on and find your...
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    what counts as cheating

    cheating is whatever the other person consisters as a betrayal pretty simple really