Search results

  1. 11.Newbie.11

    how to apply to selective schools which arent close to where you live

    Well by giving it in the person they will have a good impression of u, which could mean a lot. If u want to send it over the mail, u still have to come it for an interview so it's basically the same shit.
  2. 11.Newbie.11

    Raped by her uncle, but can she have an abortion?

    Lol dunno what is ur point of posting it on here? U want to open a charity?
  3. 11.Newbie.11

    getting revenge on cheaters

    Lmfaoooooo!!!!!! What is with vagina flipping? Lame much? Lol i would agree with the rest that it is sort of spooky stalking ur gf, but who gives a fuck. My suggestion is to flop it and punch her in the face. GG!!
  4. 11.Newbie.11

    Booked my Tickets!!!

    Seen lots of bullshit in here. Europe is way better then aussie. It's more gathered compared to Australia where everything is scattered. Even if u want to go to a shop u need to catch a bus or use ur own transport. How the fuck does that make any sense? Okay i know that Australia is still...
  5. 11.Newbie.11


    Haha. Like reading your arguments, because it is all nonsense, starting from the thread uploader. Firstly weaver is EASY AS to use, you don't need any skills at all to be able to get a first blood. All you need is xp, which requires soloing. Once i played with weaver I had a score 26-5...
  6. 11.Newbie.11

    ESL people do not despair!!

    LOLOLOLOLOL Nonsense!!!
  7. 11.Newbie.11

    The OFFICIAL "We Hate Bianca From Big Brother" Thread

    OMG!!!!! BB is a waste of space. All scumbags come on there and speds just chillez bro and go out a bit more, might like it more aye. lol
  8. 11.Newbie.11

    Best Techno/Dance/House music (song or album) EVER!!!

    Here is some good shit hope u like it: Blademasterz - Masterblade Blademasterz - One Blade Blackwinter - Bass Agent I live for Hardstyle Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 Dark Oscillators - Nero Dark Oscillators - Superstar dj and many more... But the best of all is...
  9. 11.Newbie.11

    How tall are you?

    Gebus who the hell is tall 130 cm? Have some common sense when u want to post something Midget poll? Agreed
  10. 11.Newbie.11

    How tall are you?

    Only 202 cm not too tall aye!!!
  11. 11.Newbie.11

    what subject do i need 2 choose?

    I reckon chemistry, math B, physics and English are required.