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  1. B

    Flexipass, Weeklies or Return Tickets?

    Im five days a week, so cost effectiveness goes monthly > fortnightly > weekly > daily.. But that changes with timetabling ofc.
  2. B

    Hey there, not sure if youre able, but if I could get my name changed to blatblatmatt, thatd be...

    Hey there, not sure if youre able, but if I could get my name changed to blatblatmatt, thatd be great! Cheers.
  3. B

    Hi, if I could get my name changed to blatblatmatt, thatd be great! Cheers.

    Hi, if I could get my name changed to blatblatmatt, thatd be great! Cheers.
  4. B

    What Clubs and Societies did you join today?

    - SciSoc, ordered shirt - SUBW (Bushwalking) - SUSS (Speleological Society = caving) - BikeSoc, sexy fabric-painted shirt included - BioSoc, shirt also.. - Brusical, The Musical Brewing Society. Shirt included - SpaceSoc, shirt also - HinduSoc, free with my connections - RussSoc, Russellian...