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    So we just discovered that the HSC exams finish on the 20th of November. And... We have booked our flights to Bali for the 19th of November. We booked then because all the schoolies website we visited said that schoolies begun on the 14th of November. I know that most often, the...
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    Depression and the HSC - how do you cope?

    Considering that there is a significant number of people that experience some form of depression during the HSC period, I though it might be nice for people to have a discussion about how to cope. So if you've got coping strategies or words of advice, please share... :)
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    Want to brainstorm the concept of belonging with me?

    Hey guys, I thought it might be good to get everyone's ideas on the AOS concept - Belonging. We can all help each other, you never know, we may come up with some brilliant ideas =D Cheers, Ash xo