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  1. J

    Tutorial Registration

    i went for intro first xD i was wondering why at 1:32 torts was still empty
  2. J

    Post your timetable 2010

    me too *dances* although i didn't at first xD
  3. J

    Tutorial Registration

    wow that was a horrible 3 mins for law tuts. how bad was the lag!
  4. J

    Tutorial Registration

    i think the most important thing is to check that your clock is dead set running on time. it it wasn't for the lag (from people refreshing) i had no problems registering for psychology, at 1 second past one on my time, hehe. Good Luck for everyone else today and tomorrow :D
  5. J

    First Year Law at UWS

    haha i was wondering the same thing. they didn't cover it in academic advising? shame
  6. J

    First Year Law at UWS

    i didn't make it to the academic advising. i was hoping i didn't miss anything important but i found this kind of useful
  7. J

    First Year Law at UWS

    I'm doing the same course as you B Laws/B Arts - Parra and I have no clue as to how to choose units or enrol into them either :|
  8. J

    Hamlet Bondi Pavilion

    however, the current syllabus has ommitted the focus on critical readings