Search results

  1. J

    Comm/law vs Comm/science (Adv maths)

    Commerce/Law. Major in Actuarial. Win life.
  2. J

    First in Course List

    Timothy Large was always a stand-out at Grammar. Can't say this is surprising. Very proud to be a Grammarian with these results :D Hopefully we reclaim our place as no. 1 boys school in the HSC. :D
  3. J

    UNSW commerce vs ANU commerce

    Best Actuarial is at Macquarie University, hands down. Best Commerce in general is at UNSW.
  4. J

    Semester 1 2012 Timetables!

    As per title: Upload your timetables for next year! I'll start: Uploaded with Another 2 day timetable, so I'm pretty happy!
  5. J

    Actuarial Studies vs. Engineering

    Most people studying actuarial don't end up becoming actuaries, even if they way to. The number of actuarial analyst positions at insurance companies is very small compared to the number of candidates. You have Macquarie and UNSW pumping out 200 actuarial students each year, and each insurance...
  6. J

    statistics major or actuarial

    I would go statistics, simply because the actuarial course at unsw is a bit of a joke ATM. In any case, a lot of the stuff you learn in actuarial overlaps with statistics, I would dare say that you would learn far more with a statistics degree. No idea what you need to go into finance, but from...
  7. J

    Would You Recommend B Commerce at UNSW?

    1. They suck, though there are exceptions if you get sick lecturer or tutor who actually cares about you learning. Also, if you study law at unsw, you realize how horrible commerce lecturers are compared to law lecturers. 2. Very good reputation. (only in australia though, if you're thinking...
  8. J

    How much maths in actuarial studies?

    I'm pretty sure that guy was trolling.
  9. J

    How much maths in actuarial studies?

    If you love maths but want the comfort of job prospects outside of academia, do actuarial+statistics. It gives you the opportunity to apply for normal jobs (big 4 accounting big 4 banks) as a commerce student which is nice to know. There are plenty of job prospects as purely a maths student...
  10. J

    Combined Commerce

    Lol, if you want to do IB, the best thing to do during uni is not to worry about majors or your degree, but to get some work experience. Try and get some internships at boutique firms at some time in your degree. (cold calling works) Also, you really need to keep up to date with what's happening...
  11. J

    Cadetship Questions

    There is a quasi-actuarial cadetship at Zurich Financial Services. I am starting it next year. You work in 3 divisions of general insurance over 2 years, claims, operations and underwriting. While not specifically actuarial, it gives you exposure to insurance in a global company. (Rare, as most...
  12. J

    CADETSHIPS 2012 Discussion Thread

    Mate, I think I've seen you at a campus event... I also think I met your girlfriend at a friend's bday party! (If her name begins with a J...) On topic though, I'm very sure I want to work at the firm when I graduate, the only question is whether I'm willing to let go of the opportunity to work...
  13. J

    Med/Co-op/Cadetship Interviews and/or HSC Chemistry Tutoring

    Mate that's a really impressive resume, particularly the McKinsey part. (As expected from a Grammar boy =]) Just out of interest, does McKinsey run an internship program in Sydney, or did you do your internship elsewhere? The reason I'm asking is that I want to get some experience in MC, and...
  14. J

    UAI prediction

    A bit late, but I did end up with 99.5 ;)
  15. J

    Is anyone planning on studying some kind of science in university? If so, were at?

    Re: Is anyone planning on studying some kind of science in university? If so, were at Doesn't UWS have the best science program in Sydney?
  16. J

    CADETSHIPS 2012 Discussion Thread

    Re: how long does commerce degree (cadetship) take? I have no idea sorry.. I'm just curious about the logistics of full timing university with full time work. I'm also studying a law degree, and I was planning to part time law after I get a graduate job. (After I graduate commerce) Also, what...
  17. J

    UNSW AAA scholarship

    Yeah. Not many get in on the actual cutoff.
  18. J

    UNSW AAA scholarship

    It's an okay scholarship, but it definitely needs to be scaled to provide less bonus points the higher the ATAR requirement. I had a friend last year who couldn't get into UNSW Law with 99.6. I myself and a few other friends couldn't get into Law with 99.5,99.45,99.4 the previous year. When...