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  1. B

    How did everyone feel about the business exam

    far iduno about that business exam confident on the last question and some of the short answers but not so sure for question 26 on the business report stuffed that up i think and multiple choice was okay for some aiming for a band 4 for this exam
  2. B

    What option are you doing?

    medical phyics and teacher got a vote on it and well he sorta got it to go that way anyways, but finished the option with 3 weeks b4 trials. medical is the easiest thing out UAI 75+
  3. B

    engineering reports

    engineering reports are too EASY man the last 2 ive done well still got to get one bak which i had to hand it a couple of days ago but i got 92% in my last one. its simple really nothin hard to them
  4. B

    which textbook do u use for engineering studies

    im doing engineering studies and i dnt really have a clue whats going in there thats why ive taken like 6 textbooks from the books we got but EXCEL which is proberly the only one ive looked at seems the be the best and our teacher gives us photocopys of some type of engineering tafe course thing...
  5. B

    anyone doin QANTAS case study??

    hey ppls jst wondering if anyones doin an assessment on QANTAS to do with engineer strikes or anything fimilar. anyone that could help with any info into what i should be looking to use out of the employment relations would be mostly appreciated