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  1. BamBam90

    Psychology Subjects

    Hi all! I just got accepted into the Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and i was having a look around the uni website to find out what my first semester subjects are going to be. However, as much as i search, the only thing i can come up with is that i only have the one subject for my first...
  2. BamBam90


    Those who are glad they never have to do drama theory again, say I. I!!!!!!!!
  3. BamBam90

    English exams..

    Does anyone know how much each exam is worth? I mean, is Paper I 50% and Paper II 50% or is it weighed differently? Also, in Paper II, is each module weighed the same?
  4. BamBam90

    Expressionist and Symobilst techniques.

    What exactly are they? :confused: Thanks in advance.