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  1. J

    Spill ur trial marks here

    for this james ruse thing. lets consider the fact that they only select the best academic students in the state - they are the top selective school in NSW and also the hardest to get into, thus because they have the majority of the brightest kids in our yr, and for the past 10yrs, it only...
  2. J

    Exam thoughts..

    the first question kindve shocked me wen i first sore it and the source was weird. i ended up discussing how when interpretating history (and historians) you had to consider the context it was in. i used the source by saying how it didnt consider the context and so was unfair to Herodotus...
  3. J

    Can i ask you something guys!!

    k, back to the original question. my advice is start the topic and do it for a term. See what u think of it and then decide at the beginning of next year. Keep in mind that the subject is completely different to any other course ull do this year, particularly history (ancient/modern) u...
  4. J

    Spill ur trial marks here

    i got 60% in my trial, with only about 16 kids in 2U passing (if you have 50% as pass) and thats raw mark. our teacher won't let us know our scaled mark. so it should go up heaps. and weve got 2 full classes for 2U, 12 doing 3U and 1 doing 4U