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  1. sneeky pete

    contols in experiment

    hey im trying to understand practicals, i get the idea that a variable is something u keep constant such as air pressure, and that a control is eg, when doing a ph experiment for example the control is distilled water(slightly acidic, hydronium ions) yeah a bit of chem. but what about an...
  2. sneeky pete

    UAI entry for engineering at uni

    ive been looking at entry cut offs and i cant believe the spread, UWS is 60 where as UNSW is to be 88 in 2008! i was looking to UNSW but i find sydney a bit of a drag so i though wolongong. what you guys think? plus, UOW is 78 for entry and you can get early entry so thats my idea:rofl:
  3. sneeky pete

    Maths 4 Unit high/low marks

    well i do about an hour most week nights, but during assessments its like 24hours! ha, not really but living in a math textbook helps our marks! from what ive been gettin, and our average, people getting 70 or 80 raw % seem to scale up into the high nintys, so aim for about 100%, get about 75%...
  4. sneeky pete

    Long Distance Relationships

    Re: long distance.... im with a chic who lives 1500 km away. i think any relationship will work if the love and devotion is there. one day it is vital to live together, but a long distance relationship can be maintained
  5. sneeky pete

    4 Unit Maths

    just started ex2 math this term, cant believe how much work is envolved! is it realy worth the effort, or should the work be put into our other courses to maxamise our results in them?