Search results

  1. H

    Who needs tutoring for Year 7 --> 3U Maths?

    Who needs tutoring for Year 7 --> 2/3U Maths? Ok everyone, I completed my HSC in 2007 and achieved Band 6s in Extension 1 and Extension 2 Mathematics from Sydney Boys High. I'm a 2nd year Civil Engineering student and I've got Distinctions for two of my mathematics courses at UNSW. I'm...
  2. H

    Whats your seduction style...?

    midas touch as well, hi5
  3. H

    how many friends do you have?

    over 9000
  4. H

    People acceptance of others?

    ffs what's with the influx of shit threads recently
  5. H

    drink bottles to uni

    fuck what's with the influx of shit threads recently. yeah bring your drink bottle, heaps of people do it and who cares if you look cheap. there should be bubblers scattered all over uni (well there are at unsw at least)
  6. H

    not sure which travelPass i should get for traveling to UNSW

    Get a yellow travel pass CityRail - Tickets & Fares
  7. H

    whats should i do. Combined Law at Usyd or Engineering at UNSW?

    if you don't like science/maths then engineering isn't for you. its pretty obvious you have a passion for law so def go for that
  8. H

    Sex in the Pantry.

    For some reason this thread reminds me of Toula and Habib getting it on.
  9. H

    general UNSW chit-chat

    they are pretty much your standard pool table sizes i think...maybe someone can confirm by taking measurements lol
  10. H

    which rugby league player you hate the most!?

    As a Bulldogs fan, SBW fucking faggot Crocker deserves an honourable mention
  11. H


    Pilot BP-S Fine FTW. I get them from the local newsagent lol
  12. H

    Changing lecture and tutorial times in the future?

    I've had Steele as a Calculus tutor for MATH1131. He's pretty good at explaining things and will answer pretty much any question from the notes you're not sure of.
  13. H

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Definately mathews. the quad kebabs always seem too dry and there isn't as much in the actual kebab
  14. H

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Re: 回复: Re: 回复: Re: general UNSW chit-chat Stephen Howe? I was in that tute as well! hahah he's a solid tutor :D
  15. H

    girls at UNSW, really beautiful?

    GTFO out of my uni
  16. H

    So, its the new year...

    1L of Blue Powerade at 1am and a bowl of instant noodles at 11am