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  1. nathank111

    Historiography Quotes

    hey, i did Ex History last year for my HSC (HSC mark 47 surprisingly!)... anyway i have just finished reading Jared Diamond's 'Guns Germs and Steel' which is an awesome world history in its own right but it also came up with a few historiography quotes that took me back to last year's search for...
  2. nathank111

    General thoughts- Extension 1 maths

    t'was better than i expected. Although i only completed 77%.... Apathy got the better of me and i didn't study a whole lot... time to make up for it in Ancient i guess... good luck to the rest of you
  3. nathank111

    Trials Results

    mixed results here: Advanced English: 91/105 Physics: 93/100 Ancient: 97/100 Ext. History: 47/50 Maths 2u: 113/120 Maths ext.1: 53/84 At least i know which ones i need to work at, overall I'm pleased though
  4. nathank111

    Trial Marks for Ancient

    How did everyone go in their Ancient Trial? One of the independent papers contained some of the most obscure questions from the fringes of the syllabus such as Caesar's relationship to Brutus and Antony... a lot of people missed out on a lot of marks from that one. Just interested in seeing...
  5. nathank111

    Legacy of Sulla?

    sorry i cant be more specific... you knwo trials coming up and all. but what i think you want is this: Sulla was a great general. He used faithful troops as a popular general to meet his ends. One of these ends was the first march on Rome to quell the anarchy resulting from Sulpicius Rufus...
  6. nathank111

    Significance of Pompey's career?

    im doing my ext history major work on Pompey's ambitions regarding the overthrow of the republic and to reply to your query yes he was very important in the late republic. See his use and abuse of military power, the weakening of senatorial prestige with popular politics, reaffirming the success...
  7. nathank111

    Views on CAESAR??

    Here's a list of sources i have been using for study... It's lots of reading but if you have specific questions about a particular source i will try and help. Online Ancient Sources Suetonius – De Vita Caesarum Cicero – Epistulae ad Atticum and...
  8. nathank111


    thanks alot, ill be sure to investigate if its considered to overlap too much before i go any further than the proposal.
  9. nathank111


    Hi, I was given the Christmas break to think of a question and come up with a proposal. I want to focus it around an ancient Roman topic that ties into both my historical period and personality (Rome 133-78, Julius Caesar) so that a whole lot of research not only benifits me in 1 unit. I am...