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  1. X

    Mens Rea 4 murder in Crim Law

    I always go through all of them, working my way down. If one appears particularly clear, for the third one i'll go "In the alternative, if the above was not made out, the prosecution may argue..." Best to be comprehensive. If its super obvious, then you don't need to spend much time on it...
  2. X

    melb clerkships

    Which forum is this? might check it too So mallesons/blakes etc haven't sent anything out?
  3. X

    Majority/minority judgements

    lol, i think Marmalade means more for quoting them for exams, not writing to them
  4. X

    melb clerkships

    Hey, Just wondering if anyone knows the firms that have definetely sent out their emails to be interviewed so far? Or are they mostly coming out this week? Thanks
  5. X

    legal secretary - good experience?

    ARTICLED clerks; i.e people who are undertaking articles with the firm, not just a clerkship. It'd really fuck you over.
  6. X

    Law articled clerks laid off

    yes, that one got me too our lecturer did this weird picture to try and explain it, haha
  7. X

    Monash law transfer

    Haven't done it myself, I came straight in. I have had HEAPS of friends who have done it very successfully though. Weighted average is just the average score of your units, you'll need about 70-75, which if you are doing arts is shit easy! (speaking from experience). Hope that helps.
  8. X

    course question

    Doubt it.
  9. X

    JD @ RMIT (CSP-place) VS Monash (Full Fee)

    Monash is great :)
  10. X

    Academic Awards

    I don't care how supposedly smart he is; the misplaced arrogance oozing out of him is disgusting.
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    Contracts + Third Party Benefit

    lol, patersons my lecturer as well
  12. X

    Got into law and have a few questions

    Agree with the above, the key to each elective isn't really the content itself but the skills you learn in dealing with it.
  13. X

    quick reply please

    You have to be rich anyway, you go to bond.
  14. X

    Are JDs well regarded?

    as far as i know, yes.
  15. X

    Just keen to get a bit of a debate going

    You could apply that analogy to foreigners moving to Australia where laws may be different, eg polygamy, its ok to beat children/wife, female circumcision, etc. In those instances, the law applies even if they don't know, and I think rightly so.
  16. X

    Chance of 70%+ avg in first year

    That is a real concern. Law exams are really make or break.
  17. X

    Law movies

    And if you get good cases it can be really entertaining.
  18. X

    Need good intro law book

    I would argue that there is a higher percentage of dick-heardery in law school, because you have a % of people who think they are top shit for doing the degree in the first place (even if they suck at the degree itself), which really pisses me off.
  19. X

    What law subject do you find most interesting?

    Crims great, I really enjoyed it. Tort and Contract sound ok as well, thats what I'm doing this year.
  20. X

    "what are you studying?"

    Yeah, it sucks. I hate it when people judge other people on their degree, regardless of what it is. There are heaps of absolutely phenomenal and amazing people who do arts/education/science etc etc, and heaps of pompous arrogant idiots who suck at law.