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  1. kev311

    Trials: When are they? Are you ready? How were they? (merged)

    Re: Trials: When are they? Are you ready? (merged) bdays on 2 days b4 my last HSC exam...= ="...*sigh* hmm, mine start on mon!... 6/8/07 - eng adv paper 1 8/8/07 - eng adv paper 2 10/8/07 - eng ext. 1 & chem 13/8/07 - maths adv 14/8/07 - maths ext. 1 16/8/07 - phys
  2. kev311

    Cadetships 2008/09

    Re: Cadetships 2007 CORPORATE TAX at EY in SYD FTW!!!
  3. kev311

    Bachelor of Accounting

    RAYMOND? that u?
  4. kev311

    Cadetships 2008/09

    Re: Cadetships 2007 and ey...and also UTS...and this random business cadetships thing so far...i mean...i applied for like 11 companies and 1 university (UTS)...just to be safe :) luck for interviews everyone!
  5. kev311

    estimation please...85+?

    oooh....k...thanks everyone for their comments...oh who go to small schools with gd ranks....hope u guys do well! all the best everyone!!! hard and u'll succeed...:wave:
  6. kev311

    Gosford High School

    emma!...which one? many...heehhe...what a coincidence...i read the school name too...and im like, gonna read it...just the same as u! kid, u'll ace the HSC with GHS on ur side...:)
  7. kev311

    estimation please...85+? gonna agree with jemsta here...u have to work hard...LOL... BUT...WHAT BOUT ME???... here are my ranks... Eng Adv: 67/116 Eng Ext 1: 29/47 Math Adv: 15/80 Math Ext 1: 45/85 Phys: 17/50 Chem: 31/46 :worried: at the risk of sounding stuck up, ill...
  8. kev311

    Schoolies 2007

    hong kong with my mates for me! just love it!...the overcrowdedness...the honky ppl...the honky singers....the smelly streets...ehheheheh
  9. kev311

    UAI of 60.xx scares me.

    what school do u go to?...cos that makes a diff...cos if ur a crap rank at a crap school then it affects ur chances of getting a high uai...but if ur a crap rank at say ruse...then u'll get def over ruse....
  10. kev311

    Gosford High School

    yeh....i used to go there...its a pretty gd school, but ppl arent competitive there...:jedi: