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  1. brolgaballet

    The Woolworths Thread

    Im in Woolies....have been for nearly three years our store (revesby) is renovating and building in a liquor land which is good i suppose....except there is a problem in the community because it is alike a cultural center thing like with a gloria jeans, subway, surf shop, baskin in robbins ...
  2. brolgaballet

    extension history HELP!

    POST-STRUCTURALISM examines the instability of language as both a genre and in terms of its narrative discourse (conventions...language etc) mainly summarised by hayden White (1973 was popular) ...very similar to post-modernism, and parallels in many ways to the concept of meta-history. because...
  3. brolgaballet

    Nursing & Midwifery.

    that is the kind of attitude that totally shits me off. okay there is no need for that. I have every respect for nurses and what they do..and i acknowledge that without them the health industry would collapse. they are central to the care and treatment of patients. i dont mean to offend you...
  4. brolgaballet

    Nursing & Midwifery.

    im with aussiechika7 that girl (aforementioned) has the experience to make that judgement. each to their own. i think that nurses, midwives, and doctors need to work as a team, together. they are all highly demanding and stresssful jobs. lets face it...how many obstetricians are there...
  5. brolgaballet

    what subject should i drop?

    depends how your major works are going.... if you have nearly finished then dont drop take into consideration: -interest -future careeR: do you NEED maths to get into a tafe/ uni course? - ranks: is it worthwhile keeping? - does it scale well? - wat is the work load? ...hope it helps
  6. brolgaballet

    How do u tell a friend u like her?

    how close are you guys? like besties?
  7. brolgaballet

    in 3 words

    Warsaw. Jung. shadows
  8. brolgaballet

    How do u tell a friend u like her?

    do exactly that tell her. if she has a bf it isnt a good idea
  9. brolgaballet

    History Ext Topics

    historical post-structuralist theory and the Crucifixion of Christ
  10. brolgaballet

    Post up your wishlists!

    * Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky good luck haha. ive been catching up on my russian lit...and i must say it isnt my cup of tea. the story is so tedious and i only read it because it is one of those 'have you read?...." boooks. i recommend THE BOOK THEIF by marcus z..... it is so fabulous.
  11. brolgaballet

    What are you currently Reading?

    lol you mean Michael Ondatje? i don't like him (Ive read Anils Ghost and Engligh patient a few times) he writes too much. I also feel that his whole broken-up-puzzle-piece style is trying too hard. I think that simplicity is a lot better. My favourite books are * The alchemist * the book...
  12. brolgaballet

    midwifery at UTS. .. anyone keen?

    My understanding is that the elected candidates for the B Midwifery course are considered in terms of both their academia and an interview. It is very competative. The thing I am worried about is that i wont be able to get a job...and another...will i be able to keep myself afloat...
  13. brolgaballet

    Factors influencing choice of specialty

    I am applying for a 2008 bach med/Bach Surgery I am interested in OB/GYN. I am female but I am concerned because i want a family of my own one day. also i am concerned about the working hours and the employment opporutnities. does anyone know how m=uch they earn?
  14. brolgaballet

    Nursing & Midwifery.

    I am seriously considering Midwifery at UTS for 2008 if I don't qualify for Medicine for 2008. I can enter med afterwards post graduate. I am not entering Nursing first because (and this is nothing against nurses...they are hard-working and poorly rewarded) I don't want to spend my life...
  15. brolgaballet

    Is this even a historical question?

    i think your topic is too over-done and unless you have a really confronting and powerful argument that will challenge the markers to re-think how they have always thought....go for something different. otherwise it will just be a regurgitation of other peoples' essays i hope that helps...
  16. brolgaballet

    What is your all time favourite book?

    1984 pride and prejudice the bornze horsemen series winter the tomorrow series and the ellie chronicles anna karenina (lots of complicated russian names though) the english patient (the most beautiful and well-written book i have ever read) the constant gardner briar rose plain truth the narnia...
  17. brolgaballet

    Eng 4uers 2007

    Hey! I handed my proposal in yesterday. i have begun my short story...1200 or something already. but i am having serious issues writing it. it wont flow or anything. my viva voce is in 2 months! what is it! ciao xox...