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  1. picklexx

    section 3???

    [1] - core = away by micheal gow. [2] - stimulus = wind in the willows by kenneth grahame [3] - related = the last samurai by edward zuric [4] - related = the 5 people you meet in heaven. i thought the question was rather good.
  2. picklexx

    helllp. advice on my creative writing peice. PLEASE READ.

    this is my creative writing piece for physical journeys;; its not quite finished. advice is great. please be kind, i'm only doing standard && i hate writing =[ "...each affects the other and the other affects the next, the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one...."...
  3. picklexx

    Truman show help. related texts please.

    hey guys, i'm studying the truman show for module A experience through language. could anyone help me, with related texts. thankss
  4. picklexx

    -- Help Needed Please, HSC 07 Subject Selection help needed!!

    yea sorry about all the same posts, i couldn't work out how to do it, and then i ended up with like 50 billion saying the same thing, well im scoring in the 60-70% in bio, but i love society (70%) but.. then again i want to do advertising & graphic design, so i reallly need DT for that.. and i...
  5. picklexx

    Prelim student needs Help with P.I.P ideas for '07!!

    Hey Guys, I'm interested in Children, Family law, Women vs Men, The homeless, Gender Contrsucts etc.. any ideas would be great.. also im confused about which subject to drop next year.. my 6 subjects are in the poll, please vote & if possible give feedback/reasons. xx
  6. picklexx

    Prelim student needs Help with P.I.P ideas for '07!!

    Hey Guys, im interested in Adoption, Children, Family Law, Women vs Men, The Homeless etc.. any ideas would be awesome! xoxo
  7. picklexx

    Anyone Study Women in Legal Studies Prelim?

    Hey, Having a bit of trouble sorting through all the info on the topic, anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great, Ta.. xx:)
  8. picklexx

    -- Help Needed Please, HSC 07 Subject Selection help needed!!

    Hi Guys, Just wondering if you could give me a bit of advice about the course structure etc, for year 12 subjects, I currently take, Ad. English Gen. Maths Legal Studies Biology Design & Tech Society & Culture i am thinking of dropping either biology or Society, any advice would be great...