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  1. Vampire


    Does anybody watch this show? I can't get enough of it!!! I just d/l it but I think it's on pay tv as well? LOL Arie and Drama are so freakin funny!!
  2. Vampire


    Hey guys, can someone please confirm the answer to: x^2 + x - 1 = tan^-1x Thx
  3. Vampire

    Chem Q

    Hey guys, I'm just having a little trouble with these q's...can anyone explain them to me? Thx in advance.. 0.60 M silver nitrate solution (50 mL) is added to 0.80 M sodium carbonate solution (50 mL). The balanced ionic equation for the reaction that occurs is: 2Ag+(aq) + CO32–(aq) ===>...
  4. Vampire

    Complex numbers

    Hey guys, i got another complex number q for y'all, but this one is a little outside the scope of 4 unit: We define S = (z E C : Arg(z) = -3pi/4 or Arg(z) = pi/2 or z=0) 1.Find the image of S under the function z → e^z and sketch it in the w plane, where w = e^z 2.As a point moves in S...
  5. Vampire

    Complex Number Q

    Hey guys, I think this is a pretty generic sort of question but I couldn't figure it out...any ideas? Show that if z satisfies the equation (z-i)^13 = (z+i)^13, then z must be real. Thx
  6. Vampire

    Kopy Stop

    Hey, just wondering if anyone can give me directions to this place...people keep giving me a rough indication and I can't seem to find it lol. Thx
  7. Vampire

    Grad Med

    Alright, so to do med at say usyd, you have to have done a degree...I know that the degree can be in anything...but my question is does anyone get into grad med doing a double degree and finishing one of the degrees by the 3rd year? Thx again...
  8. Vampire

    Rural Scheme for UNSW

    Hey guys, just wondering how many of you got rural med spot interiviews and what UAI + UMAT u recieved to get one..
  9. Vampire


    How many pages did you write for the essays?
  10. Vampire

    perms and combs

    Hey, i'm having a little trouble with this q: The letters of the word AUSTRALIA are arranged so two A's must be kept together, while the other A cannot be next to them, in how many ways can this be done. I get a different answer to other people I've asked. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Vampire

    common question

    I need help on this q: i. Differentiate with respect to x the function h(x)=(log_10 x)/x ii. Given that the only stationary point of h(x) is a maximum, deduce e^pi>pi^e Thx
  12. Vampire


    Hey everyone, I'm having a little trouble with this question so any help would be appreciated... A tennis match between two players consist of a number of sets. The match continues until one of the players has won 3 sets. Whenever Pat and John play, on average, for each set they play, there...
  13. Vampire

    Graduate entry

    How hard is it to get into compared to undergraduate? The problem is i don't want to get stuck in just a science degree....
  14. Vampire

    complex numbers

    I'm having a little difficulty with this question, prolly really easy it just isn't coming to me... Given that (1+i)^n = x+iy, where x and y are real and n is an integer, show that x^2+y^2=2^n Thx
  15. Vampire


    I've noticed there's a lack of papers for economics and don't know where to find them... If anyone can post up their trials or refer me to a book i can buy it would be greatly appreciated. *curses at success one*
  16. Vampire

    Antony and Cleopatra

    Hey, I'm looking for someone who's done this module, preferably a mid-high band 6 student.
  17. Vampire


    I've got a test coming up (3 unit) and it has "volumes" in it. I'm guessing this is harder 2 unit volumes but i'm not sure...and exactly what is harder 2 unit volumes?? Any help is appreciated...
  18. Vampire

    Circle Geometry

    I'm having trouble with these questions: Prove the medians of a triangle concur. Prove the altitudes of a triangle concur. Any help is appreciated....
  19. Vampire


    I'm having trouble with this question.... Prove: a^2 + b^2 + c^2 => 3(abc)^2/3 Any help is appreciated...